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Sunday, 4 May 2014

Food Can Affect Our Mood

The majority of us, when in a bad mood or under stress, calm down, by eating the "comfort foods" like potato chips, pastries and sweets. For some people, these foods are far from reassuring. Rather they can make you feel lifeless, tired and irritable. Studies showed that for some people certain diets lead to depression, some foods raise mood and other spoil it. The human body is armed with over 100 billion neurons. To communicate successfully neurons rely on neurotransmitters - chemicals in the brain.

 Some of the most popular are the neurotransmitters: dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin. They not only contribute to communication between neurons in the brain, but also have a huge impact on your mood.

Eating fish raises mood.

The reason is that fish contain omega -3 fatty acid. Numerous clinical studies have demonstrated the antidepressant effect of these fatty acids. They maintain healthy levels of neurotransmitters in the brain. They help to improve the mood not only to the depressed, but also to not depressed people.

For many of us bread products, pasta and others have a calming effect. Dietary several studies have shown that these foods contribute to increasing the concentration of the amino acid tryptophan in the brain. Human body converts tryptophan into serotonin, which is a proven mood-elevating agent.

Of course this is not true for all. For some people, eating large amounts of carbohydrates such as bread, potatoes, pasta does not lead to significant changes in serotonin levels and consequently to their mood.

Also study of Czech scientists showed that eating a combination of yogurt and nuts leads to nervous stability and improves our mental and physical health.

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