Well known fact is that with holding the weight after finishing a diet 10% of people succeed in the first year, and in the second year even less-5%. Every third woman returns not only the lost weight, but 50% above. Are all efforts in vain? Or it is still possible to preserve such hard-earned figure forever?
Regaining weight is an indication that the process of reducing has been organized incorrectly!
The main problem is that the majority of people perceive incorrectly the attenuation and normalization of weight. Figuratively speaking, starting a diet or choosing a system of eating, for those who want to lose weight is like participating in sprint running-the main thing is to reach the finish line. In practice, losing weight is a long lifetime marathon. It is not very difficult to remove excess weight with properly selected diet and exercise, but it is very difficult then to maintain a stable result.
The most common mistake is immediately after a diet to get back to our previous lifestyle and nutrition, to our old habits, to give up the sport, and caught up on everything that we have been banned before. In this mode the pounds come back with escape velocity.
You need to stick to the chosen course and beyond. To maintain a proper diet we should gradually increase the calorific value of the daily menu with 2/5. This is a lot more and you will not have to starve.
The body adjusts regulatory mechanisms to a new level of body weight after 46 days, and new habits are formed for 8 weeks. During this period, a return to old habits or dietary excesses liquidate the result of all your efforts. That's why the short term diets are so ineffective in the long term. They help mechanical losing weight at the expense of the water content of the body, of its carbohydrate reserves, proteins from the muscles and internal organs, but not contribute to the change in lifestyle and thinking. With working on your body should not be forgotten and the work on the brain. The main task of the person who wants to not only lose weight, but also to keep score is learning how to make the right decisions, to choose what will be beneficial not only for appearance, but also for health. Selecting the best and most useful should become automatic activity.
When giving up the old habits in our lives a gap is formed. That's why it is so hard to kick it and start permanently eat right and exercise. It is psychologically difficult task. Replace old habits with new, more useful. Do it consistently and gradually until the new lifestyle replace the old one. Do not try to suddenly start a new diet and sport-it's a great stress on the body. Start with just one thing in a few days add another change. The slower the change in your weight, the result is more durable. A regular exercise consistent with average intensity, age and health, is necessary during the weight loss and then. The more muscle you have, the more energy they use, even at rest, not only during exercise. By giving up the sport you will start to spend a lot less energy and the risk to regain your former weight increases several times.
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