Today people are always in a hurry. We need to overcome many hard and stressful situations everyday. This may be the reason why for most of us the life seems to be more difficult then it does for others. Two-three thousand years ago is very possible our ancestors to were thought the exactly same thing about their life. Is that a common human feature? Well it doesn't matter anyway. What worries me is something else.
Most of the time when we decide to change something about us we are doing it the wrong way. What I mean? Let's take for example the weight loss. We are living unhealthy for years and then suddenly decide to lose some kilos and get back in the old clothes. There is nothing bad here, but the thing is that a change usually doesn't happen so easily. Furthermore, to stay in healthy pounds you need to make serious efforts.
First thing you should do is to forget about the easiest way. Working every day and passing all God jokes by now should have taught you that there is nothing easy in this life. So why when many of us try to find ways to lose weight they pick stuff with headlines like these: "How To Lose Weight Fast And Easy?";"How To Lose Weight Without Exercises?"; "New Tablets For Weight Loss. You Only Need To Drink Them!" and others similar? Before you pick your plan, change the way you think!
So let's take a look at the two main ways of weight loss: Diets and Physical exercises. What are their positive and negative sides? Which one should you pick?
There are many diets with quick results. However, they prove to be ineffective in the long-term. That happens because after the diet ends we get back to our previous lifestyle. If you have eaten high calorie foods it isn't a surprise to quickly regain your weight and even some more kilos.
Our weight is determent by the difference in calories that you take and spend. If you take more calories, then you spend there is no way not to gain weight. So before you decide to follow a diet do this: construct a food plan with all necessary nutrients after its ending. Add more healthy and low in calories foods.
Another important thing you should know is that when you are losing weight with diets in most cases you burn not only fats, but also proteins from the muscles. You will see soon why that isn't the best thing.
Physical exercises
But why should you do that?
The lack of movement can cause many dangerous diseases besides the overweight. Moreover, they help your muscles to grow. The result is spending more energy even at rest. With physical activity you lose mainly fats. That is their main advantage.
Weight loss only with exercises is hard. It is easier not to eat food then to burn its energy later. If you want to lose weight by only training you should know some things. Most effective are exercises which affect large muscle groups because many muscles work at the same time and, thus you lose more calories. Don't think you can banish the belly only with crunches!
Which way is better?
We saw their advantages and negatives. Both can be effective and worthy, but they aren't easy at all. So why don't make a compromise here. What do I mean?
I think they work better combined. Killing us with exercises won't lead to the desired effect if we eat too much high calorie foods. Doing a diet can be something useful. Then again it is done for a short time and we have to figure out what to do after diet ends. So build up for yourself healthy lifestyle with physical activity and correct eating. Instead of looking for fast results, do the opposite. Add something good for the health every day. Do it slow in order to get used to it. Our dear God have given us the most important gift-the ability to think. Let's use it in the right way and earn the place we occupy.
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