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Friday, 30 May 2014

How To Eat Before And After Physical Exercise?


You often wonder how to eat, when you exercise. More than once you feel too full to step into the gym or very hungry and exhausted during training. Good nutrition is important not only for the best shape, but also for good health. Therefore, it is better for you to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of nutrition before and after workouts. Not at last the proper nutrition depends on the efficiency of your physical exertion.

First you need to know what are the basic rules for training in the gym. Try not to exercise on an empty stomach. It is desirable for three or four hours before a workout to eat food, preferably with more carbohydrates than usual and one hour before the workout to have as a snack fruit or nuts. It is not recommended under any circumstances to eat heavy foods before training as meat or fish.

To have the mood for a workout, you can drink an espresso. Thirty minutes after the workout you have to provide a "window" for yourself to fully recover. Try immediately after your workout to eat something that contains protein, fat and carbohydrates. This can be whey protein, fruit or a handful of nuts, a piece of fish or dark chocolate with 85% cocoa.

Very important for those who want to lose weight is to eat so as to promote the burning of excess fat. For this to happen, it is important not to eat anything after a workout for 2-3 hours. Tired body will certainly need food, but your goal is to lose weight, and it occurs when the body burns its own reserves.

Eating after exercise is essential for building muscle, so if you want to purchase a decent relief, you should be familiar with the principles of nutrition.

Nutritional recommendations

To have relief and flexible body, a flat stomach and great self-esteem, try to stick to a high-protein diet containing plenty of fruits, vegetables and healthy fats. Try to eat in each meal fruits and vegetables with more fiber. These include broccoli, cauliflower and all kinds of green salads, including arugula and zucchini.

Each meal should contain high protein foods. Especially valuable are the proteins in meat fish and poultry, eggs, followed by dairy products. Eat more foods containing "good" (polyunsaturated) fats such as avocados, nuts (except peanuts), olive oil and other vegetable oils.

Try to eat at least three times a day, between meals do snacks. Disconnect the adoption of food consisting of carbohydrates, or a combination of carbohydrates and fats such as fresh pasta and chips. If you eat potatoes or rice, it is best their number to not exceed the amount of the meat portion.

When you exercise regularly, you should drink more water than usual. Very useful is to add lemon in the water.


Supplementation helps to achieve, the beautiful landscape of the body. Their inclusion in the diet has several purposes. First, with their help the body will use its reserves of fat as fuel for quality physical activity. Secondly, the increase in insulin sensitivity and the absorption of glucose leads to an improved synthesis of proteins and proper distribution of calories. And last, but not least-the release of toxins.

The use of dietary supplements during training can be done only after consultation with the instructor, nutritionist and doctor. The health expert is one who will indicate what supplements and how much you can take.


These are complex protein molecules-the real source for muscle growth and recovery of the organism activity. Proteins in large amounts are found in meat, eggs, nuts, legumes and some varieties of cheese, milk and dairy products. But they are not enough. For example, a professional athlete needs for every pound of weight one to five grams of protein per day, while the portion of meat contains only 30. Clearly, this amount will be hard to obtain only from food. That is why protein shakes are fictitious. They allow to source more protein without taking unnecessary calories. This is due to the fact that they do not contain carbohydrate and fat .

For people who regularly go to the gym, the need for protein is less, but it is desirable dietary supplementation. The most popular are protein bars and drinks soluble powders that have a pleasant taste.

Zinc, magnesium and vitamin D3

If you do not get enough of these vitamins and minerals your attempts to achieve optimal body composition will not have the desired effect. Vitamin D3 accelerates the burning of body fat and helps for the production of enzymes involved in the fermentation process. It also suppresses appetite and improves insulin sensitivity.

Magnesium improves sleep quality and recovery of the body, reduces levels of the stress hormone-cortisol. Zinc, on its own turn, favorably influences the body's sensitivity to insulin, and the immune system.

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