According to UN experts every tenth medicine in the world is fake. From counterfeit medicines die annually over two hundred thousand people. Also, counterfeit medicines in the domestic markets of several countries are 25 to 50%. These are facts that should worry us as their use leads to the so-called ''Counterfeit drugs diseasé''. Most often it occurs unexpectedly. For example, rather than decreases, blood pressure increases sharply or instead reduce spasms of asthmatic,he is literally suffocating.
Fake medicines
Ancient doctors have said that the drug differs from poison only in the dose. Any medicine can become poison if not taken in the prescribed dose or in combination with other drugs. Important for the preparation of the drug is its daily dose- detergents, which the body can process about one day. It is divided into several doses, depending on how quickly the medicine is absorbed by the body. Therapeutic dose of drugs can't be toxic according to today's believes.
1. Discuss with your doctor the possible non-pharmacological treatments for your disease
2. Learn is there a drug contraindications or side-effects, more dangerous than your illness
3. Don't entirely believe to media advertising.
4. Caution should be exercised with combined preparations. They are always more dangerous than the alternative single component
5. It is not uncommon when we receive instructions for administration of the drug by the pharmacist. In such cases, before implementing them you should check with your doctor. We must not forget that the pharmacist cannot substitute the doctor, they have different tasks and qualifications.
6. When taking the drug, "listen" to your body to determine if it did not cause any side effect
7. Inform your doctor of any worrisome symptom appeared
Some unscrupulous manufacturers reduce primary substance in tablets or do not put it at all. There are cases where, instead of the main substance in the "Drug",clay, flour, glucose, starch, soap, gelatine and other are placed. During treatment with such drugs symptoms are getting worse, not to mention the threat to human life. Especially dangerous is the change of the period of validity, which reduces their activity and efficacy. In some cases, as a result of the long residence time, they become with toxic properties.
In Europe, poisoning with drugs occupy 60% of the total poisoning!
Drugs can become poison
You should always read the instructions on how long you can take the corresponding drug because it can also be the cause of poisoning. Drink anti-inflammatory and antipyretic preparations no more than three days. If they do not help, then the cause of the disease must be sought elsewhere, and treatment changes.
Absolutely safe anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents do not exist. All of them are toxic, affecting the liver, blood and kidney.
Taking vitamins, which today became fashionable, depends on the individual tolerability. If the person is allergic, it is sufficient only a vitamin tablet to obtain an allergic reaction. You should know that hyper, especially when caused by excessive intake of vitamins A and D, is no less dangerous than Avitaminosis. Drugs are useful only when following the instructions for their adoption.
Proper use of medicines
To minimize the risks of negative results it is necessary:Proper use of medicines
1. Discuss with your doctor the possible non-pharmacological treatments for your disease
2. Learn is there a drug contraindications or side-effects, more dangerous than your illness
3. Don't entirely believe to media advertising.
4. Caution should be exercised with combined preparations. They are always more dangerous than the alternative single component
5. It is not uncommon when we receive instructions for administration of the drug by the pharmacist. In such cases, before implementing them you should check with your doctor. We must not forget that the pharmacist cannot substitute the doctor, they have different tasks and qualifications.
6. When taking the drug, "listen" to your body to determine if it did not cause any side effect
7. Inform your doctor of any worrisome symptom appeared
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