The founder of the doctrine for separate feeding is the Soviet scientist Academician I.P. Pavlov. He and his colleagues found that the various classes of substances-proteins, carbohydrates and fats-are digested in different sections of the gastrointestinal tract.
Based on the writings of Pavlov, Herbert Shelton compiled the basic rules for combining the foods:
Never eat carbohydrate and acidic food together.
Bread, potatoes, peas, bananas, dates and other carbohydrate products should not be eaten with lemon, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, tomatoes and other acidic fruits.
Do not eat acid fruits with proteins.
Oranges, lemons, tomatoes, pineapples, cherries, pickled plums, sour apples should not be eaten with meat, nuts, eggs.
Do not eat melon with any other food.
Watermelon, honey, musk and other types of melon should always be eaten separately.
Do not eat fat with protein.
Butter, cream, vegetable oil should not be eaten with meat, eggs, cheese, nuts and other rich in proteins foods. The fat suppresses the action of gastric glands and retain separation of the gastric juices in the consumption of meat, eggs, nuts.
Never eat concentrated proteins with concentrated carbohydrates in one meal.
This means: do not eat nuts, meat, eggs, cheese and other protein food with bread, cereals, pastries, cakes, sweet fruit.
Never eat two concentrated protein foods in one meal.
Two proteins from different tape and compositions require different digestive juices. These juices are released in the stomach, but not at the same time.
Do not eat starch with sugar in one meal.
Jellies, jams, treacle, syrup bread with oatmeal or sugar with sugar foods. These combinations lead to fermentation and then are poisoning the body.
Eat only one concentrated starch at a meal.
If two types of starch (potatos with bread for example) are used at the same meal, then one of them will be absorbed, and the other will remain intact in the stomach, as a weight and will not go into the intestines, will-hold the absorption of other foods, will cause fermenting and will increase the acidity of gastric juice.
Milk is best eaten separately or not used at all.
Whole milk for some time is slowing down the release of gastric juice. Milk is not digested in the stomach, but it is in the duodenum.Therefore, the presence of milk in the stomach interferes with the absorption of other foods.
To maintain the figure in the standards, the amount of calories must be in the range of 1700-2000 per day.
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