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Sunday, 4 May 2014

Healthy Eating Without Having To Give Up Your Favorite Foods

If you want to start eating healthier, you can do so by be interested in what changes in your style meals are the best and painless option. And yes, it does not mean that you just have to stop the "harmful" foods. Sometimes the answer is to shift to larger amounts of useful, on account of the "bad " products. Because often when you read what recommends a diet, you grab your head from all prohibitions and regulations, and you do not want to start it at all. And although these diet plans help many people to lose weight, for others may just be impossible.

Here's 7 very real changes that will help you eat healthier:

More water

In that the water is useful, there is no doubt. Not only that your body is hydrated, but also helps to fight hunger. Not always when we think we are hungry, we are indeed. If you have just eaten and then after a very little time you urge to eat more-better pour a glass of water. If then you feel hungry, only then allow yourself to eat something.

More vegetables on the plate

It is not necessary to eliminate any foods from your diet, just add more healthy. Plate of leafy vegetables is a much better choice than one full of greasy fries. The good news? Once you eat healthy "dish" you can afford and fries-you'll probably already satiated and will not eat as much if you start with them.

Day without meat

We know that many people lose weight, once a week excluding meat dinner. Others spent a whole day without it. Try the second option, you might be surprised by the result.

Plan a "day without guilt"

Most diets are constantly telling us what we can eat. Usually when you see that chocolate cake,which is absolutely prohibited, you begin to constantly think about how much you want to eat it. Even if you do not like that particular food, in seconds, in which it is prohibited to you, you have the feeling that it's the most delicious thing in the world. Instead of feeling guilty and depressed, plan your day when you can eat whatever you want - not the whole, of course, choose your day.

Healthy alternatives

Look for healthier alternatives to your favorite foods. Replace the potato chips with hummus and chip cake. Not exactly the same, but it helps to deal with the hunger. Look for other options, alternatives with which to " relieve" your diet.

Try new things

How often do you try new foods? We suggest that you set a goal to try unfamiliar food for you every week. New fruits, vegetables ... Check what is in season at the moment and go for it. It is possible to find your favorite food, you never suspected that you'd liked .

Stick to your favorite foods

Do you have a favorite food you did not eat for a while? Many of us eat the same thing every day until we get tired. Then forget about it for months. Think of something healthy that you were very fond of months ago , and add it to your diet.

Well, it's not so hard, is it?

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