You can add other foods as follows:
First, second and third day
You can add cooked rice or boiled potatoes in the menu. No fizzy drinks! The alcohol may only be white wine and not more than 1 cup.
Fourth, fifth and sixth day
Besides yogurt, you can eat chicken too. Stewed, boiled, roasted - as you like it. For luxury, add some fresh vegetables. No alcohol and carbonated beverages.
Seventh day
Yogurt and fruit. Only without the bananas and grapes. You can drink a glass of wine. It is important that after you finish the seventh day, not to rush into food. Gradually increase the amount of it and add more products.
That's it! Will be difficult, only in the first two days. If you are temted by something sweet, think about your favorite dress or blouse that you can't wear now. That always works. We wait for you to share the results.
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