As we know, the human body is a complex biological system whose vitality and functionality depends on multiple internal and external factors. It is constantly attacked by microbes, viruses, bacteria and fungi. To maintain the normal metabolism, our body leads continuous battle with all these nuisances. Such factors harmful to the body are toxins. They represent raw nutrients and are accumulated in the body, causing the growth of microbes and dysarthrosis.
Here are some tips how we can cleanse our body from toxins through healing foods:
Drinking water
Water helps the removal of toxins from the body. Suffice to drink bottled water,which contains calcium and magnesium. Nutrients and trace elements that are present in the water, helping maintain harmony in the body.
Yogurt has antibiotic and anti-cancer properties. Positively affects the metabolism. It enhances the digestive glands, pancreatic activity, increases resorption and peristalsis. Contains the eight essential acids and lactic acid bacteria that have the ability to destroy putrefactive microflora in the entire digestive system. It also improves the absorption of calcium.
To pot with yogurt you can add a tablespoon of honey.
Honey is 100% absorbed and acts healthy for the whole organism. Its therapeutic action is manifested in the following areas:
-increases the body's immunological;
-has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity;
-has anti-allergic, expectorant, restoration action;
-promotes more rapid healing of wounds and damaged tissues;
-stimulates the heart and brain;
-has antitumor, analgesic and antidote action;
-acting tonic;
Note! Honey can't be administered to diabetic patientsHoney is 100% absorbed and acts healthy for the whole organism. Its therapeutic action is manifested in the following areas:
-increases the body's immunological;
-has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity;
-has anti-allergic, expectorant, restoration action;
-promotes more rapid healing of wounds and damaged tissues;
-stimulates the heart and brain;
-has antitumor, analgesic and antidote action;
-acting tonic;
You can add to them walnuts. They include: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts in a highly useful amount for the human body. Walnuts are excellent for the brain, heart, improve memory, strengthen immunity and lower blood pressure. They purify blood vessels and slow the progression of atherosclerosis.
Another food that we should add to the yogurt cup is pectin. In the digestive tract pectin absorbs toxic substances decay products and toxins secreted by bacteria, contributing to their removal and disposal of the body. Pectin has a curative effect in atherosclerosis, high levels of bad cholesterol, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems, gastritis, ulcers and gastrointestinal diseases, cirrhosis, obesity, detoxify the body of heavy metals. It neutralizes the action of acids and alkalis. It binds bile acids in the intestines, improves the function H colon and increases the breakdown of indigestible fecal waste, lowers blood sugar after carbohydrate. Pectin does not contain sugar and can be used by diabetics. Long-term use leads to normalization of blood pressure.
If possible, add two tablespoons blueberry. In addition to the high content of pectin, organic acids and cellulose, it features a record high in antioxidants, vitamins C, PP, B1 and vitamin P. Contains also mertilin.
Healing properties:
1. Diuretic and anti-inflammatory action;
2. Anticancer, antiseptic, antirheumatic action;
3. Recommended for hypovitaminosis;
4. Suitable for mild hypertension;
5. Increases appetite ;
6. Treatment of arthritis in infancy ;
7. Upon cystitis ;
8. Diseases of the urinary system;
PropolisHealing properties:
1. Diuretic and anti-inflammatory action;
2. Anticancer, antiseptic, antirheumatic action;
3. Recommended for hypovitaminosis;
4. Suitable for mild hypertension;
5. Increases appetite ;
6. Treatment of arthritis in infancy ;
7. Upon cystitis ;
8. Diseases of the urinary system;
Add forty drops thirty percent propolis tincture. It has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity.Also has antitumor and anticancer activity. Propolis is excellent medicine against oral infections. It is used for the treatment of:
-Acute respiratory diseases: rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, asthmatic and mild forms of pulmonary tuberculosis;
-Diseases of the digestive system: ulcers, gastritis, colic and other;
-Gynecological disorders: Trichomonas, maginalis, colitis, erosion of the cervix, joint diseases ;
-Cutaneous diseases: neurodermatitis, ink, alopatsiya, non-healing wounds, burns and other ;
-In radiation-damage gingviniti, gum disease, toothache;
-Acute respiratory diseases: rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, asthmatic and mild forms of pulmonary tuberculosis;
-Diseases of the digestive system: ulcers, gastritis, colic and other;
-Gynecological disorders: Trichomonas, maginalis, colitis, erosion of the cervix, joint diseases ;
-Cutaneous diseases: neurodermatitis, ink, alopatsiya, non-healing wounds, burns and other ;
-In radiation-damage gingviniti, gum disease, toothache;
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