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Monday, 23 June 2014

Losing Weight By Running-Tips And Recommendations

Many people start running to lose weight. Since this is one of the most intense weight loss exercise usually we burn a lot of calories and get significant effect. If you have decided to remove some pounds by running, here are a few tips that will help you:

The first step is eating healthy

If you want to make a great weight loss and amaze all your friends keep in mind that you need not only to run, but  to follow the basic rule when eating-burn more calories than you consume. Running alone is not enough to put you in the norm and should be combined with a healthy diet. Generally try to minimize foods high in fat and carbohydrates and replace them with fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meat.

One of the most-common errors in running for weight loss is occurring because often when people burn calories with exercise they also take large quantities of food. In such a situation you will rather start gaining weight instead of losing.

Easy method to protect yourself from the "hidden" calories is to write down everything you eat in an appropriate journal. After the first two weeks, you will be able to determine what errors in your diet need to be correct.

Schedule your workouts for weight loss 

Write on paper training schedule and stick with it. This is one of the most successful methods to stay motivated longer. In addition, every time you will know exactly what to do during your workout and you won't be wondering what is next.

Run regularly 

If you want to achieve significant results in weight loss you need to be constant and run regularly. The perfect plan is to be active every day, 7 days a week, but if you do not have this option, try that to happens at-least 4 times a week.

Take it as a challenge 

Strong motivational technique is to take your weight loss as a challenge or tournament. Understand that through training you will burn more calories in a short period of time and at the same time will replace the ugly, baggy fat with lean muscle mass.

Other motivation techniques

Take friends with you-in this way running will be fun and not so boring or exhausting.

Run on your favorite music

Think about something interesting while running-the time will go a lot faster

Other recommendations

When you begin running don't overdo with it. Start with 15 min at mid speed and see how you will feel the next day. Often mistake is when starting to run too much because you will be too tired at the next day and won't be able to exercise.

Best for running is at morning before the breakfast. Then, you will lose most calories. Note that there isn't a wrong time for running. Just be careful with the hot summer days!

Take large amount of water

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