You feel bloated, sluggish, with lack of energy. Do you want quickly and without a lot of effort to get in shape? Maybe your body needs detoxification. Fortunately, there are many foods that can help cleanse the whole body and release both toxins and excess weight.
Whether you want to lose weight or to improve the overall condition of your skin and mood, the following foods will help you with this:
Tip-Try to start your day with warm water and a slice of lemon to throw away all the toxins from your body!
If you eat too many fatty foods or alcohol, this can cause problems with the normal functioning of your digestive system. In this case, it might be useful to add ginger to your diet. Ginger is not only ideal to reduce the feeling of nausea, but can also help improve digestion, bloating and reducing the formation of gases. Furthermore ginger is high in antioxidants and useful for strengthening the immune system.
Tip-To improve digestion, try drinking ginger tea regularly or add some freshly grated ginger to your drink.
Garlic has long been known for its beneficial effects on cardiac function, but it is also an excellent tool for the detoxification of the body. Garlic is not only an antiviral, antibacterial and antibiotic agent, but also contains a substance called allicin, which contributes to the production of white blood cells and anti-toxins.
Tip-Best-is to consume raw garlic, so add some crushed garlic in your salad for good taste and health.
If you have recently eaten a lot of fatty foods and alcohol, artichokes can help you to quickly get rid of the heaviness. Artichokes are rich in antioxidants and fiber. It is also known for its ability to stimulate and improve liver functions.
Tip-Prepare artichokes steamed and add them as a garnish for any dish.
If you need a dose of energy and want to improve your overall health, add beets to your diet. Packed with magnesium, iron and vitamin C, beet recently has been recognized as a super-food because of its many positive effects on health. Not only beetroot is great for the skin, hair and cholesterol levels, but it can also help in cleansing the liver.
Tip-Try to add raw beet to your salad or drink freshly squeezed juice from beets.
Green tea
All cleansing diets are accompanied by the regular consumption of teas. Liquids are essential for the health of our bodies and help with the removing of toxins. Drinking green tea is a great way to increase your daily dose liquids. Green tea is not only good for quick weight loss, but is also extremely high in antioxidants. Research has also shown that drinking green tea can prevent liver disease.
Tip-Try to consume green tea throughout the day and will quickly see results.
World famous is the diet with cabbage soup. Many celebrities are turning to it to get in shape quickly for a big event. Cabbage is ideal not only for weight loss, but it is also an excellent detoxifying food. Like most cruciferous vegetables (including broccoli and cabbage), it contains a chemical called sulforaphane, which helps the body to fight toxins.
Tip-Recipe for cabbage soup:
1 medium cabbage
6 leeks
two peppers
1 bottle of tomato juice (or grated tomatoes)
salt, pepper, parsley to taste
Cut retail products, pour them with water and cook 10 minutes over high heat, then to their cooking on low. Finally, add the salt, red pepper and parsley.
Fresh fruits
Fresh fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber and low in calories, making them an important part of the cleansing diet. If you dream of shiny hair and beautiful skin, try increasing your intake of fruits.
Tip-Try to start your day with fresh fruit salad and make snacks of fruit pieces throughout the day
Brown rice
If you want to cleanse your body and stimulate your health it is a good idea to limit your intake of processed foods. Instead, try to supplement your diet with healthy full-grain foods such as brown rice, which is rich in many keys detoxifying nutrients, including vitamins, magnesium and phosphorus. Brown rice has a high content of fibers, which are good for cleansing the colon. Rice is rich in selenium, which helps in the functioning of the liver and improve the complexion.
Tip-Vegetable risotto made with brown rice is an ideal dish for summer.
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