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Sunday, 18 May 2014

Foods Which Protect Us From Diseases. Apples, Apricots And Bananas.


Research found that phenolics in apples have more antioxidant properties than vitamin C. They play a major role in reducing the risk of lung cancer, heart disease, and the elimination of constipation. Another study conducted with a large number of people-nearly 40 thousand women showed that after a period of seven years eating apples, the danger of heart attacks has fallen from 13 to 22%. Soluble and insoluble pectin,is essential for the slowdown of atherosclerosis and aging.


Apricots contain a unique mixture of chemical compounds, which are an excellent tool for combating heart disease. Along with beta carotene in them there is another carotenoid-lycopene. These carotenoids help reducing the bad cholesterol.

After the tomatoes which have the highest content of lycopene, second in the world are apricots. Both food products are an excellent way to fight cancer by destroying carcinogens still in initial stage.

Apricots are an excellent medicine for the eyes. It is known that beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A, and it helps to protect our eyes from a number of dangerous diseases.

Also the consumption of apricots helps not only to lower the cholesterol, but also the blood pressure and weight.


They are among the best sources of potassium. Only one large banana provides 487 mlg or 14% of the daily need for potassium. People who consume foods rich in potassium, decrease systemic blood pressure by 8 to 14 units. Even if you have high blood pressure, the regular use of bananas will significantly lower and even eliminate it.

Banana is rich in cellulose, but unlike other fruits, it has a soft texture which does not irritate the stomach. This makes it an excellent choice for hemorrhoids, cancer of the stomach and colon

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