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Wednesday, 4 June 2014

How Stress Causes Obesity?

Thus to the rhythm of modern the life most people are exposed to daily stress. These are many and urgent tasks that must be done combined with the lack of break, bad habits, problems in the family, in society, in the workplace.

Stressful situation causes the body to produce large amounts of the hormone cortisol. Its normal function is to prepare the body to respond: to fight or flee. For this purpose, it affects the cardiovascular system and increases heart rate, raises blood pressure, redistributes blood bloodstream as direct it to the appropriate organs and systems. One of its main functions is to provide energy sources such as glucose to supply the cells with fully accessible and fast fuel. Cortisol does that by  breaking down  the amino acids which are the essential element of muscle proteins. His assistant is the increased adrenaline during stress situations.  It helps break down liver glycogen into glucose.

Adaptive stress response is a necessity for survival and coping with life's difficulties. However, prolonged stress chronically elevated levels of cortisol. And, the consequence is a fast depletion of glucose, which serves as a signal for the body to quickly fill it. Cortisol causes an increase in appetite and desire immediately and in larger quantities to accept food, mainly sweet and oily. On the other hand, support the accumulation of fat in the cells, with consequent obesity, decreased muscle mass, impedes the functioning of the memory.

Stress has and a purely psychological aspects. When under constant stress you are feeling exhausted, depressed, angry with life, unhappy and lonely. The food is affordable and quick source of happiness. Many people experience their life problems along with the refrigerator. Interestingly, we overeat when we are happy and unhappy. However, stressful life situations aren't few and more people fall under their action. Instead of thinking about the causes of their failures and find ways to solve their problems, the easiest and quickest way for some people to feel better is to eat another piece of cake, fifth-order sandwich or two or three orders of fries. This fleeting pleasure soon is replaced by guilt, self-loathing, bitterness and depression. Of course "the best way" to get out of the depressive state is to eat something delicious. And, so we fall into the vicious cycle of overeating and uncontrolled weight gain. Overeating becomes a universal way to escape from real life, from stressful situations and creates the illusion of inner being, saved from loneliness and sad thoughts. When you realize that overeating does not solve any problems, but creates a new person, you have already fallen depending on the food. This creates even more stress. In some cases overeating is used to reduce the stress on the fact that she or he eats a lot and gains weight.

Constant stress insidiously drives us to obesity in some other way too. It increases the synthesis of neuropeptide Y in the brain. Furthermore, it is one of the most potent stimulator of appetite, which stimulates the formation of additional blood vessels in adipose tissue and increases the number and size of fat cells. So it creates conditions for increased fat deposits in the body. This leads to even more additional stress multiplied by the numerous diets, which these people are on.

Described situation accompanies many people in their daily lives. The solution is to find the strength to break this vicious circle. This is not quick or effortless. Requires changes in thinking and a genuine desire to do something for yourself.

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