Specialists of the Institute of Ecohygiene and Toxicology, National Medical Academy to the Ukrainian Institute of healthy eating, and private medical centers, have compiled a list of the most dangerous products used by people.
Many of the foods on the list are often the cause of poisoning and severe allergic reactions, but they are completely safe for a healthy body. Doctors say it all depends on the dosage. Adoption of such food in small quantities is not so scary.
Crisps and fizzy drink
Not once we have heard that chips is harmful. But why? Because chips is a mixture of carbohydrates and fats, enveloped by colors and artificial flavors. In making, the chips can form many carcinogens. Hydrogenated fats lead to increased cholesterol in the blood, increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
Sweet fizzy drinks are a mixture of sugar, chemicals and gases. They may also contain aspartame (E951), which is an artificial substitute for sugar. Felatanin contained in aspartame, changes the sensitivity threshold, and when used in large doses may develop manic depression, panic attacks, rage and violence.
But most importantly, carbonated drink with aspartame does not quench thirst. Saliva manages difficult to remove residual sweetener from the lining, so that after the use of the drink, remains the feeling that there is something on it. Aspartame is found in soluble vitamins that people drink to be healthier. When you buy a drink whose label says ,"sugar free", it probably contains aspartame. Thinking that you buy something diet, you're hurting yourself more.
Moreover, used as a preservative sodium benzoate (E211), inhibits enzymes, which leads to a distortion of metabolism and obesity.
Things that we are most shopping and where there are more flavorings and colorings than meat.
Sweet fizzy drinks are a mixture of sugar, chemicals and gases. They may also contain aspartame (E951), which is an artificial substitute for sugar. Felatanin contained in aspartame, changes the sensitivity threshold, and when used in large doses may develop manic depression, panic attacks, rage and violence.
But most importantly, carbonated drink with aspartame does not quench thirst. Saliva manages difficult to remove residual sweetener from the lining, so that after the use of the drink, remains the feeling that there is something on it. Aspartame is found in soluble vitamins that people drink to be healthier. When you buy a drink whose label says ,"sugar free", it probably contains aspartame. Thinking that you buy something diet, you're hurting yourself more.
Moreover, used as a preservative sodium benzoate (E211), inhibits enzymes, which leads to a distortion of metabolism and obesity.
Things that we are most shopping and where there are more flavorings and colorings than meat.
Here we must also mention that smoking meat and fish also can be harmful and carcinogenic.
Furthermore, manufacturers are increasingly moving to genetically modified material.
A single piece of bologna contain phenolic compounds as much as we breathe all year in the city. Phenol is highly toxic!
Fruit and vegetable products with preservatives
Even the most nutritious and natural products may be harmful if they are grown up near roads or factories. With vegetables in the body may fall substances which cause cancer.
As to the preservatives, they can contain sodium glutamate. Poisoning with this substance leads to headaches, cramps and even disturbed metabolism.
Margarine, pastries and cereals
Margarine is among the most dangerous types of fat. All foods which contain it are harmful for the people. Our excessive love of saturated fat and sugar products virtually disturb metabolism and add extra pounds.
Grain products, particularly white bread often cause celiac disease. Symptoms fluctuate from bowel problems to diabetes and infertility.
Coffee and energy drinks, milk
Two or three cups a day, no more. So can afford an adult organism without risking exhaustion of the nervous system. Coffee speeds up the heart rate and can lead to palpitations and headache.
And with energy drinks is best not to cheat. By now scientists have not clarified their full squad. Moreover, in recent years, the recorded cases of death due to heart failure after consumption of such beverages are growing.
Milk and bread can often be incompatible. Severe poisoning with milk protein can lead to death.
Home-canned food and ice cream
If you store the jars in all the rules - respect the dosage of the products and not neglect basic rules for food safety (proper sterilization brine) can eat without worry pickles and tomatoes. Otherwise, a person can become a victim of poisoning, mold and other bacteria.
The ice cream, in turn, contain flavoring and perfuming agents, which can slow metabolism. That, at least, may increase the risk of overweight.
Toffees, sweet candy
Contain large amounts of sugar, chemical additives, colorants, etc. In a word - no avail. These candies may cause gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and various diseases of the teeth and gums
Mayonnaise is filled with unsaturated fats that are carcinogenic and cause further high cholesterol. You should not eat mayonnaise, especially plastic. Did you know that the acid separated from the plastic is one of the most dangerous substances that enter unnoticed in our stomach.
Mayonnaise contains a lot of preservatives and stabilizers.
To the harmful food falls ketchup, sauces. They are filled with colors and flavors substitutes.
Fast food
These are pasta, sandwiches, burgers , or any food, including french fries , which are fried or have fried ingredients. The problem is that the preparation takes place in the same fat, which is not frequently changed. The result is also carcinogenic.
Eating it for years, leads to disturbances in digestion - colitis , gastritis , heartburn, constipation and more.
Another type of fast food - chips, cookies , nuts , chocolate candy bars , etc. ( a favorite food of children ) may also result in the years to various diseases and obesity.
Fast food
These are pasta, sandwiches, burgers , or any food, including french fries , which are fried or have fried ingredients. The problem is that the preparation takes place in the same fat, which is not frequently changed. The result is also carcinogenic.
Eating it for years, leads to disturbances in digestion - colitis , gastritis , heartburn, constipation and more.
Another type of fast food - chips, cookies , nuts , chocolate candy bars , etc. ( a favorite food of children ) may also result in the years to various diseases and obesity.
Nutritionists around the world are convinced that nutrition determines the length and quality of life. A taste habits remain for life. So be sure to teach your child at an early age to a healthy and beneficial food, and not allow him to abuse chocolate and others mentioned in the list.
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