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Friday, 6 June 2014

Weight Loss In The Abdominal

"I want to lose weight in the belly, everything else is fine with me, only my belly is hanging over my pants..."

This article will show you how to eat and what exercises to do, so you have a flat stomach.

The most common misconception is that if you do exercises for a particular body part, it just weakens this part. For example, when someone wants to lose weight in the belly starts doing crunches. Or wants to lose weight in hands so begins to make exercises for hands.

The above two examples lead to the same-strengthening the muscles of the abdomen / hands. Rabbit muscle does not mean you lose fat in these areas. Look at your body as a whole rather than as a collection of parts. When you eat you obtain energy for the whole body (and not for its individual parts) and if you do not use that energy, it builds up in store as body fat. For more figuratively imagine that your body has a central energy source from which it spends on all activities. Eg by running you are spending power from the central energy source.

Accumulation of fat

When you take more energy / food than you spend, it is stored as body fat. Different people accumulate fat differently. I.e. If two people eat more calories than burn, they gain them as fat in different parts of the body- this is because of the different genes that they are wearing.

Most often, men accumulate fat in the abdomen (known as beer belly, although many men with beer belly, do not drink beer).

Most often women gain fat in thighs (especially the inside and back) and butt.

The above two examples for accumulating fat are dependent on hormones.

I give these examples to show you that is beyond your control where you gain fat if you eat more calories than you spend.

Burning fat

When there is a shortage of energy / calories your body turns to stocks and begins to draw from them: when a man with a fat belly, drawing on the belly; women with fat thighs will pull energy from fat thighs.

I give this example to show that you usually burn fat from the places where you have fat, i.e if you want to lose weight in the belly because you just have belly fat, it will probably happen, if you just eat fewer calories than you spend.

What is important to know about losing fat in belly?

It became clear that regardless of what body parts you exercise, it draws on common energy source. Then, logically the most effective exercises for fat loss are those who spend the most energy, and these are exercises for the major muscle groups:

- ass

- back

- thighs

- pectoral muscles

So workout with exercises that involve the whole body is most effective for fat loss not only on belly, but fat as a whole.

Another example: if you want to lose fat on hands again have to train large muscle groups, while training back and chest you also include the biceps and triceps, ie you need more energy than if you train biceps or triceps only.

Most often, if you want to lose weight, you begin to think about exercises to spend more energy. The role of exercise spending power is highly overrated (not talking about professional athletes).

In general practice 1 hour burns 300-500 calories as more likely to be 300 rather than 500. I'm talking about workout at the gym, where you do exercises with less than about 50% of  your capacity.

Cake is 300-400 calories.

Glass of juice is 100 calories.

Packaging bruschetta Mare is a 300 calories.

1 hour workout might burn what we ate more (and if you eat more than 300 calories, you will train and will gain weight), but will not create a caloric deficit, which you need to start your body fat to melt and thus acquire the missing energy.

I tell you, it is easier NOT to eat 300 calories than to burn them with exercise. Better have not drink 2 cups of juice and eat bruschetta and you're minus 500 calories, but if you want to burn 500 calories with exercise, you will have to train much more  intense and serious about an hour or slightly a few hours.

I.e. weight loss without diet with calorie deficit is difficult!

So why train when so few calories are spent? 

Training has a different role than most people think. In a calorie deficit your body has two sources of energy-fat and muscle. If you just diet will lose fat and muscle; and if you are on a diet and exercise it is more likely to lose only fat.

I say most likely because the options are many and people are different, but in most cases when one trains and is on a diet, loses mainly fat (again depends on what is the diet, but to assume that it has enough proteins and carbohydrates ).

Training increases and muscle mass, which is great for both sexes. Yes, and for women it is better to upload muscles and usually at the start they gain a little muscle, but due to low the testosterone levels they can not rise too much.

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