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Wednesday, 18 June 2014

The Best Foods For Bright Teeth

"I have to go to work early, but first must have a cup of coffee or otherwise I can not stay awake."Of course with the coffee we light up a cigarette or two. This is how our working day begins and that became a permanent situation long time ago.

If this is the case, you should know that such foods like coffee, tea, tobacco, red wine, sodas can successfully stain and discolor the teeth in systemic consumption. The darkening and accumulation of disfigurement layer on them is also disturbing fact which causes less smiles. How we eat is directly reflected to our teeth. We usually don't think deep about such aspects of life. It is the time for you to stop them or at least limit their consumption. All of us want white teeth, don't we?

On the other hand, the mother nature has given to us some ordinary foods that can act as gentle whitening. Their efficiency is much lower than the professional whitening in a dental surgery, but are cheap and natural.

Here I present a list with foods that you can add to your diet for bright teeth:

Oranges and pineapple

These are very tasty fruits filled with vitamin C and fiber. They increase the secretion of saliva and wash the teeth naturally. Also impart a pleasant fruity breath. Vit. C strengthens the immune system and tightens gums. They contain a large percentage of the enzyme bromelain, which naturally acts as a cleaning agent for staining.
Regularly eating foods containing bromelain, like oranges and pineapple, will protect your teeth from rapid accumulation of plaque and tartar. Also, helps the weaker staining and the protection of the body from cancer and overweight. That makes these fruits perfect for bright teeth, beautiful figure and healthy diet.

Dairy products

Dairy products contain calcium, protein and lactic acid, which helps in the prevention of caries. A study in the journal "Dentistry" found that children taking 4 yogurts a week have a much lower rate of dental caries compared to children who did not consume yogurt.

Researchers believe that the proteins of the milk are associated with a surface protective layer on the enamel and thus protect teeth from caries. Systemic consumption of hard cheeses (cheddar, gouda, etc..) has a whitening effect on the teeth.


It is true that they can seriously dirty your dress or a shirt, but also whiten our teeth. Try mashing a few ripe strawberries with baking soda and rub the teeth. After 5 minutes, rinse thoroughly with water and brush your teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste for another 3 minutes. Finally clean with floss the interdental spaces. Do that every night for 1 month. It is one of the most nutritious foods for the brain function.

They contain vit. C. Besides its well-known important role for the immune system and the protection of the body from cancer, vit. C prevents the premature skin aging and neutralizes the harmful effects of the sun.


Very handy fruits that increase the secretion of saliva, which is a self-cleaning mechanism in the mouth. They contain substances which kill the bacteria there. Bacteria is responsible for the bad breath. Apples Also improve digestion.

Eating apples everyday protect us from cancer. They contain phenolics that have more antioxidant properties than vitamin C. Pectin is responsible for the slowdown of atherosclerosis and aging.

Baking soda

A study in 2008 showed that the toothpastes containing sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) remove much better plaque and whiten more than pastes doesn't contain this compound. From time to time you can rub your teeth with baking soda for 2-3 minutes and then wash with toothpaste containing soda and fluoride. Should not be done frequently, because soda has abrasive effect on tooth enamel.

Lemon juice

We all know that lemon juice is one of the most ancient cellar agents in nature (think what happens when you put lemon juice in your hair and go out in the sun). You can mix lemon juice with baking soda to form a paste, and rub your teeth with it for one minute. Beware of the direct consumption of lemons. Citric acid is very corrosive to the tooth enamel. Always rinse mouth thoroughly with water for 30 sec. Lemons also contain vit. C.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar removes the surface stains on teeth. However, it is not the most pleasant way for home bleaching. For extra effect you can mix vinegar with baking soda to form a paste. Then rub your teeth with it for three minutes and after that brush them with toothpaste for an additional 3 minutes.


Versatile vegetable, very rich in fiber and antioxidants. It prevents cancer, helps the function of the heart and brain. Broccoli is Involved in the formation of a protective layer on the tooth enamel and protects it. Brazilian laboratory study found that by regularly eating broccoli the enamel erosion caused by the acid in sodas is reduced to half. It reduces body weight!


Chewing sugarless gum ensure not only the removal of food remnants, but also the production of saliva, which also helps to maintain a healthy and beautiful teeth.

In addition to the whitening you can support your dental health by some delicious foods. Pistachio, like other nuts contains magnesium, which aids the absorption of calcium. Mushrooms contain large amounts of vitamin D3, which also enhances the effect of calcium intake. Japanese shiitake mushrooms reduce the accumulation of dental plaque.

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