Our organism needs all kinds of food in the right proportion. We can illustrate that using as example one pyramid. In proper eating at the bottom of your pyramid would be the food you can eat most. Respectively at your top would be your favorite meal (joking).
First level is the liquids. Frequent consumption of liquids (water, freshly squeezed fruit juices) is essential for the body. They hydrate the body, help transport nutrients and eliminate harmful substances. The recommended daily dose is 1.5 - 2 liters, it increases during the hot summer days. It is important to know that alcohol is not included in this group. Its consumption should be limited to 1-2 drinks per day.
The next level are fruits and vegetables. Them you can eat without limitation, 5-6 times a day. The recommended intake of vegetables is 3-4 times a day, at least once raw and fruit- 2-3 times a day. Both foods are a source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, Phyto-substances. They help for a functioning food system and protect the body from diseases.
The third level is occupied by cereals, pasta, potatoes. This is the group of bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, cereals. They are rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Supply the body with energy. They also contain fiber, which prevent intestinal inflammation. A balanced diet includes 3-5 servings of that food per day. Only athletes can afford to increase their consumption because they need more energy.
Higher in the pyramid are meat , fish, eggs , legumes. They are an important and indispensable source of protein and have important functions in the body - helping to form and function of cells. These foods are carriers of vitamins B1 , B6, B12, biotin. But their consumption should not overdo 2-4 times a week, it is better to light prevail 1-2 servings of meat and fish. Consumption of legumes should be reduced to 1-2 times a week.
Milk and dairy products are rich in calcium, necessary for building and maintaining bones, phosphorus, protein and vitamins A, B2, B5. Stocks of calcium accumulated during adolescence, affecting bone density in the elderly. Recommended consumption is 2-3 times a day. Yogurt is especially useful. Fats are the most controversial nutrient. Many people condemn them as extremely harmful. The fact is , however, that they are necessary for health and a balanced diet. They are a source of energy, vitamins A, D, E, K , and help protect the body. It is good to use two kinds of vegetable oil in order to combine the better individual substances. Also fat soluble vitamins are in need of fat to be decomposed. Limited fat consumption does not harm the body and is even useful, but it does not have to be more than 2-3 teaspoons a day.
Candies and chocolates are a source of pleasure. They provide energy, carbohydrates and sugars in chocolate help the brain, improve mood, reduce stress. Dark chocolate reduces the risk of heart attack due to the high content of antioxidants and does not affect cholesterol levels because of the triglyceride structure of cocoa butter. 100 g of milk chocolate has 57 grams of carbohydrates, '31 fat and 10 g protein. It is a good source of nutrients, energy, protein, calcium, magnesium, riboflavin-all the result of a combination of cocoa, milk and sugar and basic additives like nuts or dried fruits. Balanced sugars and fats not only provides instant vitality, but also helps maintain long-term strength and health. Carbohydrates help the speedy recovery of the lost energy after intense exercise when the appetite level is low and fat is an important tool for the heat. Many people worry about whether chocolate is suitable for all ages. There is no reason, however, for this kind of concern. Chocolate is easily digestible, fast melting and does not cause side effects in the body. The only exception is that it is not suitable for small babies and infants who are not yet able to ingest solid food.
Here are some rules that need to follow in drawing up a balanced diet:
1.Physical exercise
2.Eat grains, fruits, vegetables
3.Limit fat
4.Vary your diet / nutrition should be a source of energy and a source of pleasure
5.Eat sweets in moderation
6.Limit consumption of salt / sodium
7.Reduce alcohol.
Milk and dairy products are rich in calcium, necessary for building and maintaining bones, phosphorus, protein and vitamins A, B2, B5. Stocks of calcium accumulated during adolescence, affecting bone density in the elderly. Recommended consumption is 2-3 times a day. Yogurt is especially useful. Fats are the most controversial nutrient. Many people condemn them as extremely harmful. The fact is , however, that they are necessary for health and a balanced diet. They are a source of energy, vitamins A, D, E, K , and help protect the body. It is good to use two kinds of vegetable oil in order to combine the better individual substances. Also fat soluble vitamins are in need of fat to be decomposed. Limited fat consumption does not harm the body and is even useful, but it does not have to be more than 2-3 teaspoons a day.
Candies and chocolates are a source of pleasure. They provide energy, carbohydrates and sugars in chocolate help the brain, improve mood, reduce stress. Dark chocolate reduces the risk of heart attack due to the high content of antioxidants and does not affect cholesterol levels because of the triglyceride structure of cocoa butter. 100 g of milk chocolate has 57 grams of carbohydrates, '31 fat and 10 g protein. It is a good source of nutrients, energy, protein, calcium, magnesium, riboflavin-all the result of a combination of cocoa, milk and sugar and basic additives like nuts or dried fruits. Balanced sugars and fats not only provides instant vitality, but also helps maintain long-term strength and health. Carbohydrates help the speedy recovery of the lost energy after intense exercise when the appetite level is low and fat is an important tool for the heat. Many people worry about whether chocolate is suitable for all ages. There is no reason, however, for this kind of concern. Chocolate is easily digestible, fast melting and does not cause side effects in the body. The only exception is that it is not suitable for small babies and infants who are not yet able to ingest solid food.
Here are some rules that need to follow in drawing up a balanced diet:
1.Physical exercise
2.Eat grains, fruits, vegetables
3.Limit fat
4.Vary your diet / nutrition should be a source of energy and a source of pleasure
5.Eat sweets in moderation
6.Limit consumption of salt / sodium
7.Reduce alcohol.
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