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Friday, 30 May 2014

How You Can Cleanse Your Body From Toxins Only With A Cup Of Yogurt?

As we know, the human body is a complex biological system whose vitality and functionality depends on multiple internal and external factors. It is constantly attacked by microbes, viruses, bacteria and fungi. To maintain the normal metabolism, our body leads continuous battle with all these nuisances. Such factors harmful to the body are toxins. They represent raw nutrients and are accumulated in the body, causing the growth of microbes and dysarthrosis.

Here are some tips how we can cleanse our body from toxins through healing foods:

Drinking water

Water helps the removal of toxins from the body. Suffice to drink bottled water,which contains calcium and magnesium. Nutrients and trace elements that are present in the water, helping maintain harmony in the body.


Yogurt has antibiotic and anti-cancer properties. Positively affects the metabolism. It enhances the digestive glands, pancreatic activity, increases resorption and peristalsis. Contains the eight essential acids and lactic acid bacteria that have the ability to destroy putrefactive microflora in the entire digestive system. It also improves the absorption of calcium.


To pot with yogurt you can add a tablespoon of honey.

Honey is 100% absorbed and acts healthy for the whole organism. Its therapeutic action is manifested in the following areas:

-increases the body's immunological;

-has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity;

-has anti-allergic, expectorant, restoration action;

-promotes more rapid healing of wounds and damaged tissues;

-stimulates the heart and brain;

-has antitumor, analgesic and antidote action;

-acting tonic;

Note! Honey can't be administered to diabetic patients

You can add to them walnuts. They include: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts in a highly useful amount for the human body. Walnuts are excellent for the brain, heart, improve memory, strengthen immunity and lower blood pressure. They purify blood vessels and slow the progression of atherosclerosis.


Another food that we should add to the yogurt cup is pectin. In the digestive tract pectin absorbs toxic substances decay products and toxins secreted by bacteria, contributing to their removal and disposal of the body. Pectin has a curative effect in atherosclerosis, high levels of bad cholesterol, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems, gastritis, ulcers and gastrointestinal diseases, cirrhosis, obesity, detoxify the body of heavy metals. It neutralizes the action of acids and alkalis. It binds bile acids in the intestines, improves the function H colon and increases the breakdown of indigestible fecal waste, lowers blood sugar after carbohydrate. Pectin does not contain sugar and can be used by diabetics. Long-term use leads to normalization of blood pressure.


If possible, add two tablespoons blueberry. In addition to the high content of pectin, organic acids and cellulose, it features a record high in antioxidants, vitamins C, PP, B1 and vitamin P. Contains also mertilin.

Healing properties:

1. Diuretic and anti-inflammatory action;

2. Anticancer, antiseptic, antirheumatic action;

3. Recommended for hypovitaminosis;

4. Suitable for mild hypertension;

5. Increases appetite ;

6. Treatment of arthritis in infancy ;

7. Upon cystitis ;

8. Diseases of the urinary system;


Add forty drops thirty percent propolis tincture. It has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity.Also has antitumor and anticancer activity. Propolis is excellent medicine against oral infections. It is used for the treatment of:

-Acute respiratory diseases: rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, asthmatic and mild forms of pulmonary tuberculosis;

-Diseases of the digestive system: ulcers, gastritis, colic and other;

-Gynecological disorders: Trichomonas, maginalis, colitis, erosion of the cervix, joint diseases ;

-Cutaneous diseases: neurodermatitis, ink, alopatsiya, non-healing wounds, burns and other ;

-In radiation-damage gingviniti, gum disease, toothache;

Twelve Dangerous Myths About Healthy Weight Loss

Today, the Internet is full of diets. Most of them are written by competent people other-from the laity, so some are good, but there are dangerous too. Do not believe them blindly as meaningful and true they look for you. If it was that simple to maintain a harmonious figure, there would be no dieticians and fitness instructors. Word diet means deprivation of a certain type of food so it cannot be healthy. That's why there is a difference between diet and food plan. To build up a correct food plan the age, gender and lifestyle are in matter. It should be assessed how much energy a person consumes, what sport and how many times in a week he or she trains. We all know that without the essential nutrients (carbohydrates, fats and proteins) the body cannot function properly. When our body do not accept any of them, the metabolism slows down, so often as a result of some diets you are gaining weight and the "yo-yo" effect occurs.

Major mistakes in feeding, in which we believe:

Don't eat after 19.00

This is not true because slowing metabolism is the basis of weight gain. When disturbed, the body cannot break down all the food and it starts to form fatty deposits. In women, they are usually in breeches, buttocks, abdomen because of the presence of estrogen. The most problematic area for men is their belly. To speed up your metabolism, you need to eat less and more often. It has been shown that it is best to eat five times a day, at intervals of about three hours. Indeed, after 19.00 you should not eat carbs, but do not starve.
Vegetable diet makes the muscles

Vegetables are really among the foods that are rich in fiber. It is mandatory to take vegetables, but you do not have to eat only that. You will lose weight, your brain will go hungry because there will be no presence of carbohydrates and fats needed to build the membrane of new cells. The absence of a protein makes the organism consumes itself. So if you eat only vegetables, adverse conditions will occur.

Lose weight with fruit diet

Yes, if we eat only fruit we will lose weight, but will we spend fat too? The fruits are sugars, and fast sugars indeed, which raise insulin levels in the blood, and when it is high, burning fats is impossible. There are cases when this fruit diet can be done in one day of discharge when you will eat only fruit, but if it is discussed with a specialist first. For people with huge excess weight who have high blood sugar, it is dangerous to eat only fruit even for one day because their sugar will rise further.

Dairy products are rich in proteins and fats

If we only accept dairy foods again we are denying the other useful substances for the body. The consequences are the same as if you eat only fruits or only vegetables. Especially women who want to lose weight should avoid any kind of dairy products because they contain lactose, which increases the level of estrogen-the cause of obesity. Not accidentally the protein is milk based, but with isolated lactose.

Separate eating

Do not deny this diet, the idea is that proteins, carbohydrates and fats cannot be absent from the menu, but should not be taken at once. In particular, this diet is useful for people with health problems, as it eases the liver. But againmust be consulted with a specialist to be built correctly.

Protein diet

In overuse of protein, meat crystallizes in the joints, resulting in damaging the entire digestive tract and the kidneys. The brain also remained without food, no fat. Cycle Kreps, whose main function is to serve as a final common pathway for the oxidation of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins does not work and therefore do not break down carbohydrates.

Diet without bread and bakery products

It is fact that we are accumulating weight from carbohydrates, but in any case they do not appear only in bakery products. They consist vitamin D needed for blood clotting and for the kidneys and heart, prevent muscle weakness and osteoporosis, increasing immunity, supporting thyroid function. Therefore, the bread should not be totally isolated from our menu.

Therapeutic starvation
Cancer cells feed on carbohydrates and 80% of diseases are caused by bad food. These are foods high in preservatives and nitrates. Truly hunger treat diseases, but fasting can be dangerous. If strictly not observe the particular power supply that is required when following a fast, this can result in poisoning of the body, and in more severe consequences. So do not do experiments and be under medical supervision during the fast .

Legends of physical exercises:

Sex losing weight

The fact is that when you feel good in your skin, libido increases. But in any case, sex is not gymnastics from which you can lose weight. If you lose weight with sex, all thin women should be nymphomaniacs, and all large ladies-frigid.

Only aerobic exercise is enough

Yes, running, swimming, elliptical use, etc. we will lose weight from that, but we will also get weaker. In aerobic exercise we start to burn fat after 40 minutes of training. How many people can run intensive for an hour? In the first 20-30 minutes you are throwing away the water and calories from the food taken during the day. Then, comes the fat, protein and thus degrades muscle mass. We cannot measure when and what we burn. There is no way to tie the muscles if you rely only on jogging. The same is true when we diet without exercise. Therefore, the optimal plan if we want tight ass and thighs is first to be loaded with weights to exhaust glycogen, which is an amino acid from the muscles and then get on the path to burn fat. I can give some advice to those who ride a bicycle or swim, go to the gym too.

Weights builds up muscle mass

Can be true or not, depends on what we want. Fitness is the only sport that shapes the body in our order. Women cannot gain muscle mass without additional supplements-steroids, etc. Female hormones do not allow making muscles. Making a minimum of 20 repetitions with weight is a proven method of action in women. In men, it is easy to get muscle with weights, but when the program is properly prepared by specialist.

Fitness fattening

When are not loaded enough, but simply pass on devices with low intensity and severity, the only thing we do is to tone the body and improve blood circulation, which increases our appetite. So do not wash your hands with gym if you eat more and not train properly.


Most people who visit the gym, want to do wonders with their body for a week or two. They use training in the gym as a pretext that endeavor. So before we go to sports or follow a diet we really need to realize the need to have a positive attitude to change. The perfect harmony is the relationship between the brain and body and we have to care for both. No man can be physically loaded or observe diet and didn't get the desired effect. There are people who simply don't want.

How To Eat Before And After Physical Exercise?


You often wonder how to eat, when you exercise. More than once you feel too full to step into the gym or very hungry and exhausted during training. Good nutrition is important not only for the best shape, but also for good health. Therefore, it is better for you to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of nutrition before and after workouts. Not at last the proper nutrition depends on the efficiency of your physical exertion.

First you need to know what are the basic rules for training in the gym. Try not to exercise on an empty stomach. It is desirable for three or four hours before a workout to eat food, preferably with more carbohydrates than usual and one hour before the workout to have as a snack fruit or nuts. It is not recommended under any circumstances to eat heavy foods before training as meat or fish.

To have the mood for a workout, you can drink an espresso. Thirty minutes after the workout you have to provide a "window" for yourself to fully recover. Try immediately after your workout to eat something that contains protein, fat and carbohydrates. This can be whey protein, fruit or a handful of nuts, a piece of fish or dark chocolate with 85% cocoa.

Very important for those who want to lose weight is to eat so as to promote the burning of excess fat. For this to happen, it is important not to eat anything after a workout for 2-3 hours. Tired body will certainly need food, but your goal is to lose weight, and it occurs when the body burns its own reserves.

Eating after exercise is essential for building muscle, so if you want to purchase a decent relief, you should be familiar with the principles of nutrition.

Nutritional recommendations

To have relief and flexible body, a flat stomach and great self-esteem, try to stick to a high-protein diet containing plenty of fruits, vegetables and healthy fats. Try to eat in each meal fruits and vegetables with more fiber. These include broccoli, cauliflower and all kinds of green salads, including arugula and zucchini.

Each meal should contain high protein foods. Especially valuable are the proteins in meat fish and poultry, eggs, followed by dairy products. Eat more foods containing "good" (polyunsaturated) fats such as avocados, nuts (except peanuts), olive oil and other vegetable oils.

Try to eat at least three times a day, between meals do snacks. Disconnect the adoption of food consisting of carbohydrates, or a combination of carbohydrates and fats such as fresh pasta and chips. If you eat potatoes or rice, it is best their number to not exceed the amount of the meat portion.

When you exercise regularly, you should drink more water than usual. Very useful is to add lemon in the water.


Supplementation helps to achieve, the beautiful landscape of the body. Their inclusion in the diet has several purposes. First, with their help the body will use its reserves of fat as fuel for quality physical activity. Secondly, the increase in insulin sensitivity and the absorption of glucose leads to an improved synthesis of proteins and proper distribution of calories. And last, but not least-the release of toxins.

The use of dietary supplements during training can be done only after consultation with the instructor, nutritionist and doctor. The health expert is one who will indicate what supplements and how much you can take.


These are complex protein molecules-the real source for muscle growth and recovery of the organism activity. Proteins in large amounts are found in meat, eggs, nuts, legumes and some varieties of cheese, milk and dairy products. But they are not enough. For example, a professional athlete needs for every pound of weight one to five grams of protein per day, while the portion of meat contains only 30. Clearly, this amount will be hard to obtain only from food. That is why protein shakes are fictitious. They allow to source more protein without taking unnecessary calories. This is due to the fact that they do not contain carbohydrate and fat .

For people who regularly go to the gym, the need for protein is less, but it is desirable dietary supplementation. The most popular are protein bars and drinks soluble powders that have a pleasant taste.

Zinc, magnesium and vitamin D3

If you do not get enough of these vitamins and minerals your attempts to achieve optimal body composition will not have the desired effect. Vitamin D3 accelerates the burning of body fat and helps for the production of enzymes involved in the fermentation process. It also suppresses appetite and improves insulin sensitivity.

Magnesium improves sleep quality and recovery of the body, reduces levels of the stress hormone-cortisol. Zinc, on its own turn, favorably influences the body's sensitivity to insulin, and the immune system.

Counterfeit Drugs Disease

According to UN experts every tenth medicine in the world is fake. From counterfeit medicines die annually over two hundred thousand people. Also, counterfeit medicines in the domestic markets of several countries are 25 to 50%. These are facts that should worry us as their use leads to the so-called ''Counterfeit drugs diseasé''. Most often it occurs unexpectedly. For example, rather than decreases, blood pressure increases sharply or instead reduce spasms of asthmatic,he is literally suffocating.

Fake medicines

Some unscrupulous manufacturers reduce primary substance in tablets or do not put it at all. There are cases where, instead of the main substance in the "Drug",clay, flour, glucose, starch, soap, gelatine and other are placed. During treatment with such drugs symptoms are getting worse, not to mention the threat to human life. Especially dangerous is the change of the period of validity, which reduces their activity and efficacy. In some cases, as a result of the long residence time, they become with toxic properties.

In Europe, poisoning with drugs occupy 60% of the total poisoning!

Drugs can become poison

You should always read the instructions on how long you can take the corresponding drug because it can also be the cause of poisoning. Drink anti-inflammatory and antipyretic preparations no more than three days. If they do not help, then the cause of the disease must be sought elsewhere, and treatment changes.

Ancient doctors have said that the drug differs from poison only in the dose. Any medicine can become poison if not taken in the prescribed dose or in combination with other drugs. Important for the preparation of the drug is its daily dose- detergents, which the body can process about one day. It is divided into several doses, depending on how quickly the medicine is absorbed by the body. Therapeutic dose of drugs can't be toxic according to today's believes.

Absolutely safe anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents do not exist. All of them are toxic, affecting the liver, blood and kidney.


Taking vitamins, which today became fashionable, depends on the individual tolerability. If the person is allergic, it is sufficient only a vitamin tablet to obtain an allergic reaction. You should know that hyper, especially when caused by excessive intake of vitamins A and D, is no less dangerous than Avitaminosis. Drugs are useful only when following the instructions for their adoption.

Proper use of medicines
To minimize the risks of negative results it is necessary:

1. Discuss with your doctor the possible non-pharmacological treatments for your disease

2. Learn is there a drug contraindications or side-effects, more dangerous than your illness

3. Don't entirely believe to media advertising.

4. Caution should be exercised with combined preparations. They are always more dangerous than the alternative single component

5. It is not uncommon when we receive instructions for administration of the drug by the pharmacist. In such cases, before implementing them you should check with your doctor. We must not forget that the pharmacist cannot substitute the doctor, they have different tasks and qualifications.

6. When taking the drug, "listen" to your body to determine if it did not cause any side effect

7. Inform your doctor of any worrisome symptom appeared

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Stress And Aging

Natural antibiotics

With any disease, aging of our body accelerates. Therefore, one way to keep yourself young and slow down aging is to not get sick.We all know that it is virtually impossible because viruses, bacteria and microorganisms are attacking us constantly and relentlessly.Through food our organism can be provided with natural antibiotics which reduce the number of infectious diseases and increase the body's ability to deal with them.

There are numerous foods with antibiotic action. Large amount of foods such as apples, tea, cabbage and onions contain substances called flavonoids. They interfere with the micro-organisms which attack our body. Flavonoids in tea help us get healthy when we are sick from flu and colds.

One of the most powerful flavonoids is called quercerin. It is present in large quantities in onion and cabbage. Studies of this flavonoid showed that it affects the DNA of viruses by not allowing them to reproduce. The quercerin blocks the development of herpes virus and viruses which cause colds.


When the body is in a stressful situation it needs more minerals: calcium, magnesium, zinc and selenium. We also need more water-soluble vitamins, especially C and B group. The main source of such substances are not only fruit and vegetables but also foods such as honey, eggs, milk, cottage cheese, granola and more.

Stress occurs in three stages:

1.Concern: In stressful situations adrenal glands release adrenaline. The brain starts the following reactions: rapid breathing, increased blood pressure, tense muscles, a keen vision and hearing, pale skin and hairs bristling.

2.Resistance:This stage is necessary to resist and adapt to the stress.

3.Еxhaustion:Energy costs are very high, the body is not able to rest and recover its reserves

Stress may cause:

1.Cardiovascular disorders- increased heart rate

2.Pain in the muscles of the back, legs, neck, abdomen.

3.Skin reactions: eczema, psoriasis, herpes, hair loss or seborrheic dermatitis

4.Libido problems

5.Anxiety, fatigue, sleep disturbances

6.Behavioral disorders

7.Appetite disorders: anorexia, bulimia and other.


According to the neuroendocrine theory of aging, aging is a result of a gradual or rapid loss in sensitivity of nerve receptors in the human body. This theory is supplemented with the theory of aging as a consequence of the depleting effects of free radicals. They physically disrupted the cells of the neuro-endocrine system.


As we have seen any illness, stressful situation , poor diet and etc. does irreparable damage to our body, which ultimately leads to faster aging. However, a lot of things are out there that we can do to slow down this process. Starting from nutrition and ending in the basic scourge of our time , the stress . Therefore, identification of stressors and the measures to remove them are very important. Unfortunately this is not always possible , but maintaining a supreme form of our body must be among our efforts to rejuvenate our body.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Diet With Beans. How To Lose 5 Kg For Two Weeks?

Diet with vegetables from the family Fabaceae, in the opinion of many experts, is quite effective. These plants contain abundant minerals, vitamins, proteins and fats of vegetable origin. In beans pectin and fiber are stored, it has low-calorie and protects the body from intestinal infections.

The lens is rich in easily digestible vegetable protein, almost no fat and carbohydrates. 100 grams of lentils will fill your daily need for vitamin E, iron and other nutrients .

Green peas contain a lot of protein, starch, vitamin C, carotene and potassium, phosphorus and manganese.

Diet with vegetables from the family Fabaceae will help you easily get rid of up to 5 kg overweight. While you're on the bean diet you should consume plenty of water, tea and coffee without sugar.
At night, if you are hungry, you can drink low-fat yogurt or milk. Dairy products are necessary for the normal functioning of the intestines. Of course, during the diet you should not drink alcohol or eat butter, sweet and fatty foods .

The length of the bean diet is 2 weeks

Here is your menu :

Day 1.

For breakfast: a cup of skim milk, cheese, sandwich.
Second breakfast: fruit salad.
Lunch: 100 g boiled beans with vegetable oil, a glass of tomato juice.
Dinner: vegetable salad for every cup of juice, oatmeal.
Night : 200 ml . milk.

Day 2.

For breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese, unsweetened coffee or tea.
Second breakfast: fruit, but not bananas.
Lunch: 100 g boiled beans, unsweetened tea or coffee, a little sauerkraut.
Dinner: 100 g green peas, 100 g boiled fish, green tea .
Night: milk.

Day 3.

For breakfast: a cup of milk, cheese .
Second breakfast: fruit.
Lunch: stew of peas, salad of vegetables, unsweetened tea or coffee.
Dinner: bean soup, vegetable salad.
Night : 200 ml . milk.

Day 4.

For breakfast: milk, cheese.
Second breakfast: fruit salad.
Lunch: 100 g boiled beans, 150 g boiled fish, vegetables and glass of tomato juice.
Dinner: soup of peas, unsweetened tea.
Night : 200 ml milk.

Day 5.

For breakfast: cottage cheese, unsweetened tea or coffee.
Second breakfast: fruits.
Lunch: soup of vegetables, boiled corn, sauerkraut.
Dinner: baked eggplant, slice rye bread, unsweetened green tea.
Night: milk.

Day 6.

Snack 1: 100 g boiled beans , a cup of juice .
Snack: 2: fruit.
Lunch: soup, peas, vegetables, slice of rye bread, unsweetened coffee.
Dinner: ragout of vegetables, unsweetened tea with lemon.

Day 7.

For breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese, unsweetened coffee or tea.
Snack2: fruit.
Lunch: baked beans, cabbage, unsweetened coffee.
For dinner: a mess of peas, cooked meat, 2 slices of brown bread, unsweetened tea.
Night: 200 ml . milk.

Foods Which Protect Us From Diseases. Apples, Apricots And Bananas.


Research found that phenolics in apples have more antioxidant properties than vitamin C. They play a major role in reducing the risk of lung cancer, heart disease, and the elimination of constipation. Another study conducted with a large number of people-nearly 40 thousand women showed that after a period of seven years eating apples, the danger of heart attacks has fallen from 13 to 22%. Soluble and insoluble pectin,is essential for the slowdown of atherosclerosis and aging.


Apricots contain a unique mixture of chemical compounds, which are an excellent tool for combating heart disease. Along with beta carotene in them there is another carotenoid-lycopene. These carotenoids help reducing the bad cholesterol.

After the tomatoes which have the highest content of lycopene, second in the world are apricots. Both food products are an excellent way to fight cancer by destroying carcinogens still in initial stage.

Apricots are an excellent medicine for the eyes. It is known that beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A, and it helps to protect our eyes from a number of dangerous diseases.

Also the consumption of apricots helps not only to lower the cholesterol, but also the blood pressure and weight.


They are among the best sources of potassium. Only one large banana provides 487 mlg or 14% of the daily need for potassium. People who consume foods rich in potassium, decrease systemic blood pressure by 8 to 14 units. Even if you have high blood pressure, the regular use of bananas will significantly lower and even eliminate it.

Banana is rich in cellulose, but unlike other fruits, it has a soft texture which does not irritate the stomach. This makes it an excellent choice for hemorrhoids, cancer of the stomach and colon

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Diet With Honey. How To Lose 1,5 Kilo In One Week?

So much information is available on how to lose weight-it is enough only to want to lose a few pounds. Besides the well-known diet and exercise , we can have different types of tablets, teas, etc.Of course, all the tablets that we can find, promise that you will look like mannequins, without any physical effort. Scientists say that we don't need these options, because we can take off pounds in a week ,only by using 1 tablespoon of honey daily!

Suffice to eat it before bedtime-diet is made ​​by the nutritionist Mike McKinsey. He argues that the unique combination of natural sugars that are in honey makes it almost the perfect diet food.

The information was published on the pages of the Daily Mail newspaper. Nutritionist claims that a spoonful of honey before bed will not only deliver us from the weight that is unnecessary, but will do so in the easiest possible way. Will not be required to undergo various diets that torment you.

Nutritionist explains that for a greater effect, we can replace the sugar we consume during the day with honey. At night before you go to bed, you need to soluble tablespoon of honey in warm water and drink it - thus the mechanisms of the brain that trigger the desire for sweets will be blocked .

Many of the foods that are eaten and perceived as healthy, actually contain white flour and hidden sugars. This means that the blood sugar levels of the person will  increase, and can reach very high values. The body copes with an overdose of sugar by releasing insulin-it filtered out of the blood sugar and stores it as fat.

Nutritionist claims that his regime can protect cells from potential sugar overload. McKinsey explains that when the brain is hungry, he tries to procure sugar from any possible source.

According to nutritionist honey is the only tool that can disrupt this cycle. He is convinced that a glass of water with honey at bedtime is sufficient to reverse the process. Drinking warm fresh water will even allow a person to have a good sleep. Thus the body of each person can quickly recover and burn fat.

For even better effect nutritionist recommended to observe the following rules:

-Replace completely sugar with honey 

-Do not buy wraps, pizzas, burgers or fried foods

-Choose unrefined carbohydrates, but do not overdo the quantity

-Remove the potatoes from your diet or at least reduce their quantity 

-Gain proteins-it's nice to have them in every meal 

-Take one day a week, that you do not eat carbs 

- An emphasis on vegetables

-Eat full-fat dairy products

Diet With Yogurt

Warm weather is approaching, and with it the inability to conceal defects with thicker clothes. So if you want to quickly get in shape, we offer a perfect diet. The reference is 7 days and down 4-6 pounds! Only warn not to do it long nor too often. 2 months once is sufficient. The principle is the following: Eat yogurt on belly! When and all you want.

You can add other foods as follows:

First, second and third day

You can add cooked rice or boiled potatoes in the menu. No fizzy drinks! The alcohol may only be white wine and not more than 1 cup.

Fourth, fifth and sixth day

Besides yogurt, you can eat chicken too. Stewed, boiled, roasted - as you like it. For luxury, add some fresh vegetables. No alcohol and carbonated beverages.

Seventh day

Yogurt and fruit. Only without the bananas and grapes. You can drink a glass of wine. It is important that after you finish the seventh day, not to rush into food. Gradually increase the amount of it and add more products.

That's it! Will be difficult, only in the first two days. If you are temted by something sweet, think about your favorite dress or blouse that you can't wear now. That always works. We wait for you to share the results.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Food Can Affect Our Mood

The majority of us, when in a bad mood or under stress, calm down, by eating the "comfort foods" like potato chips, pastries and sweets. For some people, these foods are far from reassuring. Rather they can make you feel lifeless, tired and irritable. Studies showed that for some people certain diets lead to depression, some foods raise mood and other spoil it. The human body is armed with over 100 billion neurons. To communicate successfully neurons rely on neurotransmitters - chemicals in the brain.

 Some of the most popular are the neurotransmitters: dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin. They not only contribute to communication between neurons in the brain, but also have a huge impact on your mood.

Eating fish raises mood.

The reason is that fish contain omega -3 fatty acid. Numerous clinical studies have demonstrated the antidepressant effect of these fatty acids. They maintain healthy levels of neurotransmitters in the brain. They help to improve the mood not only to the depressed, but also to not depressed people.

For many of us bread products, pasta and others have a calming effect. Dietary several studies have shown that these foods contribute to increasing the concentration of the amino acid tryptophan in the brain. Human body converts tryptophan into serotonin, which is a proven mood-elevating agent.

Of course this is not true for all. For some people, eating large amounts of carbohydrates such as bread, potatoes, pasta does not lead to significant changes in serotonin levels and consequently to their mood.

Also study of Czech scientists showed that eating a combination of yogurt and nuts leads to nervous stability and improves our mental and physical health.

Foods That Can Make Us Sick

All processing of medical foods makes them harmful and dangerous to the human body. For example the unique to the human body potatoes ( fried and boiled ) are converted to dangerous for the health. Same goes for fruits, converted into fruit compote. Worst is that 70% of food is dangerous to our health.

We will mention some of the most frequently present at our table foods:

Sausages- delicious, but before you buy and eat them you should know that they put in them nitrates and other preservatives. These same nitrates eventually turn into nitrosamines, which are carcinogenic and cause cancer to the digestive system.

Pastry- candy and other treats do irreparable damage to the pancreas, leading to cancer or diabetes.

Chips- there is no worse poison for the body , especially for the children for several reasons:

- when frying this type of food, calories increase sharply

- fried hundred times in the same oil ,in it carcinogens have formed, and they can cause cancer

- to be permanent, they add preservatives and artificial flavors that are also carcinogenic

Sticks- the main cause of the most dangerous diseases ( heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis ) is the large amount of salt we consume. The salt in 100 grams of dried, salted fish and sticks is more than twice the daily norm salt.

Prepared meals- just a small sandwich contains more salt than the daily norm!

American fast food chains are offering to kids small toys which attract them, but parents do not realize what a crime they carried out regarding the health of their own children.

Potatoes fried in oil, which is used hundreds of times:

- in these potatoes, they put dangerous amounts of salt

- they add mayonnaise and ketchup, which are harmful to health

- menu includes sweet and highly carbonated soft drinks

You can specify dozens of examples in terms of food glossy packaging, but I think these are sufficient to understand: The only way to live healthily to a ripe old age is eating healing foods in their natural appearance!

12 Rules For Healthy Eating

There are 12 recommendations that person must follow if he wants to eat healthy. Varied food adopted in small amounts at regular intervals of time is the key to a healthy diet.

Daily consumption of more than 400 grams of vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy products, lean meats and delicacies must be replaced with fish, poultry and vegetable alternatives to animal products, is among the other rules for healthy eating.

The most useful formula for weekly food intake is three days - meat, two days-fish and two days-beans, while in the culinary processing of all types of food, animal fats should be replaced with plant and the use of salt must be set to a minimum.

It is the best food to be cooked, baked or grilled, because with breading or frying, products take a lot of fat and have two times more energy value.

Restriction has to have sugar, confectionery and soft drinks, but we should not underestimate dark chocolate, which is a proven aphrodisiac, and a small piece of it would not spoil our health system.

Other recommendations to healthy eating is the water intake of at least 6 to 8 cups of water or about 2 liters per day, 40 minute exercise of the day and not at least the good preservation of foods themselves.

Bread is an integral part of the our table, so proponents of healthy eating should take more whole grains which like the complex carbohydrates are a source of energy, B vitamins and fiber.

White bread is not included in the menu of health, as in the preparation of white flour from wheat grain,40 % of the weight of the grain is discharged, leaving only 60% starch, and it is the starch with a high glycemic index. It is this risk index that unlock problems in carbohydrate change, in particular diabetes, which is why nutrition experts around the whole world not accept and do not recommend wheat bread!

Control of weight is constant, but one should never be a lifetime diet because food is a type of pleasure and we should not deprive from it!

Healthy Eating Without Having To Give Up Your Favorite Foods

If you want to start eating healthier, you can do so by be interested in what changes in your style meals are the best and painless option. And yes, it does not mean that you just have to stop the "harmful" foods. Sometimes the answer is to shift to larger amounts of useful, on account of the "bad " products. Because often when you read what recommends a diet, you grab your head from all prohibitions and regulations, and you do not want to start it at all. And although these diet plans help many people to lose weight, for others may just be impossible.

Here's 7 very real changes that will help you eat healthier:

More water

In that the water is useful, there is no doubt. Not only that your body is hydrated, but also helps to fight hunger. Not always when we think we are hungry, we are indeed. If you have just eaten and then after a very little time you urge to eat more-better pour a glass of water. If then you feel hungry, only then allow yourself to eat something.

More vegetables on the plate

It is not necessary to eliminate any foods from your diet, just add more healthy. Plate of leafy vegetables is a much better choice than one full of greasy fries. The good news? Once you eat healthy "dish" you can afford and fries-you'll probably already satiated and will not eat as much if you start with them.

Day without meat

We know that many people lose weight, once a week excluding meat dinner. Others spent a whole day without it. Try the second option, you might be surprised by the result.

Plan a "day without guilt"

Most diets are constantly telling us what we can eat. Usually when you see that chocolate cake,which is absolutely prohibited, you begin to constantly think about how much you want to eat it. Even if you do not like that particular food, in seconds, in which it is prohibited to you, you have the feeling that it's the most delicious thing in the world. Instead of feeling guilty and depressed, plan your day when you can eat whatever you want - not the whole, of course, choose your day.

Healthy alternatives

Look for healthier alternatives to your favorite foods. Replace the potato chips with hummus and chip cake. Not exactly the same, but it helps to deal with the hunger. Look for other options, alternatives with which to " relieve" your diet.

Try new things

How often do you try new foods? We suggest that you set a goal to try unfamiliar food for you every week. New fruits, vegetables ... Check what is in season at the moment and go for it. It is possible to find your favorite food, you never suspected that you'd liked .

Stick to your favorite foods

Do you have a favorite food you did not eat for a while? Many of us eat the same thing every day until we get tired. Then forget about it for months. Think of something healthy that you were very fond of months ago , and add it to your diet.

Well, it's not so hard, is it?

Why Are You Sick? Recipes For Treatment Of Influenza By Healthy Foods.

Why are you sick ?- This is one of the main issues that concern all humanity. Every disease, even the simplest, causes serious damage to the human body that reduce life expectancy.

Factors for many diseases are:

1. Weak immune system

2 . Poor nutrition

3. Dirty water

4 . Polluted air

5 . Toxins

6 . Poor hygiene

7 . Improper food storage

8 . Tobacco

9. Strengths and poor spirits

10 . Eating foods low in vitamins , minerals, bioactive substances , enzymes and others.

If we look at these reasons, we see that they are avoidable and are needing almost no money. The viruses mutate every year and it's so antibiotics and other drugs cannot deal with them. This requires the creation of more powerful antibiotics and drugs. Unfortunately, they cause more damage to the human body than the microbes themselves.

Is not necessary for every cold, infection, and therefore to take antibiotics. Namely overuse of antibiotics has led to this broad resistance of microorganisms. Here we suggest some recipes for the treatment of influenza by health foods .

Treatment of influenza by healthy foods:

1. Take 5-10 grams of pure propolis and chew it as an ordinary gum. If it is unpleasant for your tongue occasionally immerse propolis in honey.

2. In warm milk or water put 40 drops of 30 percent propolis tincture. Do that every 2 hours. Besides oral, propolis has worked well for the entire digestive system.

3.Take a cotton swab. Dipped it in propolis tincture and rub the tongue, gums, palate and throat. Moreover flu, will clear your mouth of all causes of diseases associated not only with it, but almost all the systems of the human body.

Saturday, 3 May 2014

5 Healthy Foods

Healthy eating is not only good for your figure. Certain foods contain vitamins and minerals that charge the body with lots of energy, and we are not even aware of them. Here are the five most beneficial for our health foods:

1. Strawberries for beautiful skin

Only one cup strawberries a day employes 160 % of the required dose of vitamin C, which stimulates the production of collagen. It even gives your skin strength and elasticity. Vitamin C prevents premature aging by reducing free radicals and neutralize the harmful effects of the sun and stress.

2 . Cherries to combat muscle pain

One of the acids contained in the cherries act as a potent anti-inflammatory agent and helps to relieve muscle pain. Just one cup cherry or natural cherry juice a day is sufficient to relieve the unpleasant cramps.

3 . Spinach for better vision

Widespread perception that carrots are the main food that improves vision is not quite true. Spinach also contains large amounts o f beta carotene. This solid body is converted to vitamin A, which in turn prevents the cornea. Eat spinach 3-4 times a week to keep your vision sharp.

4 . Oatmeal for better blood circulation

Rich in amino acids, oat foods help to the blood supply of any organ of your body. One cup a day reduces cholesterol and raises libido. For best results, eat oatmeal at least 3 times a week.

5 . Cinnamon for pleasant breath

This spice, along with basil, cilantro and wasabi kills bacteria on the tongue and back of the oral cavity. Put cinnamon in yogurt or cereals that you eat for breakfast.

The Key To Healthy Eating

As you know now in the internet, there are many topics about healthy eating. Some of them are useful, but not easy to complete. The reason is that you are always hurry for your daily responsibilities and you either eat fast on foot or don't eat at all. Then when you finally go at home, you finish the day with eating on stomach. Starvation and overeating are equally harmful! The key to healthy eating is the balance. There is no bad food, but the only bad amount of it. We can eat everything with the right measure. By not giving up from your favorite foods because of your figure you will get better, not only physically but also mentally. People like all kind of food and are making the same meals in different way. Balance is the key here. What i mean?

Our organism needs all kinds of food in the right proportion. We can illustrate that using as example one pyramid. In proper eating at the bottom of your pyramid would be the food you can eat most. Respectively at your top would be your favorite meal (joking).

First level is the liquids. Frequent consumption of liquids (water, freshly squeezed fruit juices) is essential for the body. They hydrate the body, help transport nutrients and eliminate harmful substances. The recommended daily dose is 1.5 - 2 liters, it increases during the hot summer days. It is important to know that alcohol is not included in this group. Its consumption should be limited to 1-2 drinks per day.

The next level are fruits and vegetables. Them you can eat without limitation, 5-6 times a day. The recommended intake of vegetables is 3-4 times a day, at least once raw and fruit- 2-3 times a day. Both foods are a source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, Phyto-substances. They help for a functioning food system and protect the body from diseases.

The third level is occupied by cereals, pasta, potatoes. This is the group of bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, cereals. They are rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Supply the body with energy. They also contain fiber, which prevent intestinal inflammation. A balanced diet includes 3-5 servings of that food per day. Only athletes can afford to increase their consumption because they need more energy.

Higher in the pyramid are meat , fish, eggs , legumes. They are an important and indispensable source of protein and have important functions in the body - helping to form and function of cells. These foods are carriers of vitamins B1 , B6, B12, biotin. But their consumption should not overdo  2-4 times a week, it is better to light prevail 1-2 servings of meat and fish. Consumption of legumes should be reduced to 1-2 times a week.

Milk and dairy products are rich in calcium, necessary for building and maintaining bones, phosphorus, protein and vitamins A, B2, B5. Stocks of calcium accumulated during adolescence, affecting bone density in the elderly. Recommended consumption is 2-3 times a day. Yogurt is especially useful. Fats are the most controversial nutrient. Many people condemn them as extremely harmful. The fact is , however, that they are necessary for health and a balanced diet. They are a source of energy, vitamins A, D, E, K , and help protect the body. It is good to use two kinds of vegetable oil in order to combine the better individual substances. Also fat soluble vitamins are in need of fat to be decomposed. Limited fat consumption does not harm the body and is even useful, but it does not have to be more than 2-3 teaspoons a day.

Candies and chocolates are a source of pleasure. They provide energy, carbohydrates and sugars in chocolate help the brain, improve mood, reduce stress. Dark chocolate reduces the risk of heart attack due to the high content of antioxidants and does not affect cholesterol levels because of the triglyceride structure of cocoa butter. 100 g of milk chocolate has 57 grams of carbohydrates, '31 fat and 10 g protein. It is a good source of nutrients, energy, protein, calcium, magnesium, riboflavin-all the result of a combination of cocoa, milk and sugar and basic additives like nuts or dried fruits. Balanced sugars and fats not only provides instant vitality, but also helps maintain long-term strength and health. Carbohydrates help the speedy recovery of the lost energy after intense exercise when the appetite level is low and fat is an important tool for the heat. Many people worry about whether chocolate is suitable for all ages. There is no reason, however, for this kind of concern. Chocolate is easily digestible, fast melting and does not cause side effects in the body. The only exception is that it is not suitable for small babies and infants who are not yet able to ingest solid food.

Here are some rules that need to follow in drawing up a balanced diet:

1.Physical exercise
2.Eat grains, fruits, vegetables
3.Limit fat
4.Vary your diet / nutrition should be  a source of energy and a source of pleasure
5.Eat sweets in moderation
6.Limit consumption of salt / sodium
7.Reduce alcohol.