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Thursday, 26 June 2014

Basic Rules For Separate Feeding

The founder of the doctrine for separate feeding is the Soviet scientist Academician I.P. Pavlov. He and his colleagues found that the various classes of substances-proteins, carbohydrates and fats-are digested in different sections of the gastrointestinal tract.

Based on the writings of Pavlov, Herbert Shelton compiled the basic rules for combining the foods:

Never eat carbohydrate and acidic food together. 

Bread, potatoes, peas, bananas, dates and other carbohydrate products should not be eaten with lemon, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, tomatoes and other acidic fruits.

Do not eat acid fruits with proteins.

Oranges, lemons, tomatoes, pineapples, cherries, pickled plums, sour apples should not be eaten with meat, nuts, eggs.

Do not eat melon with any other food. 

Watermelon, honey, musk and other types of melon should always be eaten separately.

Do not eat fat with protein

Butter, cream, vegetable oil should not be eaten with meat, eggs, cheese, nuts and other rich in proteins foods. The fat suppresses the action of gastric glands and retain separation of the gastric juices in the consumption of meat, eggs, nuts.

Never eat concentrated proteins with concentrated carbohydrates in one meal. 

This means: do not eat nuts, meat, eggs, cheese and other protein food with bread, cereals, pastries, cakes, sweet fruit. 

Never eat two concentrated protein foods in one meal. 

Two proteins from different tape and compositions require different digestive juices. These juices are released in the stomach, but not at the same time.

Do not eat starch with sugar in one meal.

Jellies, jams, treacle, syrup bread with oatmeal or sugar with sugar foods. These combinations lead to fermentation and then are poisoning the body.

Eat only one concentrated starch at a meal. 

If two types of starch (potatos with bread for example) are used at the same meal, then one of them will be absorbed, and the other will remain intact in the stomach, as a weight and will not go into the intestines, will-hold the absorption of other foods, will cause fermenting and will increase the acidity of gastric juice.

Milk is best eaten separately or not used at all. 

Whole milk for some time is slowing down the release of gastric juice.  Milk is not digested in the stomach, but it is in the duodenum.Therefore, the presence of milk in the stomach interferes with the absorption of other foods.  

To maintain the figure in the standards, the amount of calories must be in the range of 1700-2000 per day.

Three Steps For A Healthy Diet And Weight Loss

Healthy diet with nutritious, but non-caloric foods is the key to losing weight. In this way you will avoid the biggest obstacle to anyone who wants to lose weight-starvation. According to Dr. Furman healthy eating includes three steps that you should follow:

Rule 90/10

90% of the food you eat every day should be low in calories. Recommended are fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes and nuts. The other 10% may be more severe food-fish, meat and dairy products.

Breakfast: Oatmeal or 1-2 fresh fruits. You can add a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and your breakfast is ready.

Lunch: Dr. Fuhrman advises to eat salad with beans and vegetables. Beans help lowering blood sugar, which is the key to weight loss. At lunch, add freshly squeezed juice and, if you are very hungry, a small portion fillet of chicken or grilled fish.

Dinner: Your dinner should be light. Dr. Fuhrman recommends eating vegetables, combined with white chicken meat, but not more than 200 250 g.

"Secret weapons"

Use secret weapons when you want to lose weight. In this category, Dr. Fuhrman puts fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, blackberries and raspberries, onions and mushrooms. These fruits and vegetables accelerate metabolism and help the body to burn fat faster. Furthermore, according to Dr. Furman these foods protect the body from developing cancer cells.

Detoxification with slimming shakes 

To discard all the unnecessary toxins from your body, drink detoxifying shakes. They are made quickly and easily. Drink them at least once a day and you will feel the difference not only in weight, but also in the overall feeling of your body.

Dr. Fuhrman's recipe  for weight loss shake:

Glass ice, pomegranate juice, a cup of frozen strawberries and a few drops of lemon juice. Mix all ingredients and beat in blender.

The diet should be applied for 7 seven days. Its purpose is to teach us how to add these three steps to our healthy diet.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Losing Weight By Running-Tips And Recommendations

Many people start running to lose weight. Since this is one of the most intense weight loss exercise usually we burn a lot of calories and get significant effect. If you have decided to remove some pounds by running, here are a few tips that will help you:

The first step is eating healthy

If you want to make a great weight loss and amaze all your friends keep in mind that you need not only to run, but  to follow the basic rule when eating-burn more calories than you consume. Running alone is not enough to put you in the norm and should be combined with a healthy diet. Generally try to minimize foods high in fat and carbohydrates and replace them with fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meat.

One of the most-common errors in running for weight loss is occurring because often when people burn calories with exercise they also take large quantities of food. In such a situation you will rather start gaining weight instead of losing.

Easy method to protect yourself from the "hidden" calories is to write down everything you eat in an appropriate journal. After the first two weeks, you will be able to determine what errors in your diet need to be correct.

Schedule your workouts for weight loss 

Write on paper training schedule and stick with it. This is one of the most successful methods to stay motivated longer. In addition, every time you will know exactly what to do during your workout and you won't be wondering what is next.

Run regularly 

If you want to achieve significant results in weight loss you need to be constant and run regularly. The perfect plan is to be active every day, 7 days a week, but if you do not have this option, try that to happens at-least 4 times a week.

Take it as a challenge 

Strong motivational technique is to take your weight loss as a challenge or tournament. Understand that through training you will burn more calories in a short period of time and at the same time will replace the ugly, baggy fat with lean muscle mass.

Other motivation techniques

Take friends with you-in this way running will be fun and not so boring or exhausting.

Run on your favorite music

Think about something interesting while running-the time will go a lot faster

Other recommendations

When you begin running don't overdo with it. Start with 15 min at mid speed and see how you will feel the next day. Often mistake is when starting to run too much because you will be too tired at the next day and won't be able to exercise.

Best for running is at morning before the breakfast. Then, you will lose most calories. Note that there isn't a wrong time for running. Just be careful with the hot summer days!

Take large amount of water

Sunday, 22 June 2014

German Diet For Fast Weight Loss

This is an easy two-week diet, created by German nutritionists. It is important to eat foods exactly as the described way and not overdo quantities. For 14 days you will be able to lose between 5 and 10 pounds, depending on how much excess weight you have. It is required immediately after waking up to drink a glass of warm water.

Day 1:

Breakfast:  Coffee without sugar, cream and milk or tea.
Lunch:  Two boiled eggs, stewed spinach with a little salt.
Dinner:  A large grilled chicken steak or boiled chicken. Green salad, fruits of choice.

Day 2: 

Breakfast:  Coffee without sugar, cream and milk or tea, a piece of biscuit.
Lunch:  Grilled mid chicken steak or boiled chicken. Green salad, fruit of choice.
Dinner:  Roast turkey or chicken.

Day 3: 

Breakfast:  Coffee without sugar, cream and milk or tea, a piece of biscuit.
Lunch:  Two boiled eggs, salad choice (with vinegar), fresh tomatoes.
Dinner:  Roast turkey or chicken salad.

Day 4:

Breakfast:  Coffee without sugar, cream and milk or tea, a piece of biscuit.
Lunch:  A boiled egg, carrots (cooked or raw), a small piece of cheese or other cheese of choice.
Dinner:  Fresh fruit and yogurt-can you mix them together.

Day 5:

Breakfast:  coffee without sugar, cream and milk or tea, a piece of biscuit.
Lunch:  Grilled fish, fresh tomatoes.
Dinner:  A large chicken grilled steak and green salad

Day 6:

Breakfast:  Coffee without sugar, cream and milk or tea, a piece of biscuit.
Lunch:  Grilled chicken
Dinner:  Two boiled eggs, grated carrots with lemon

Day 7:

Breakfast:  Tea with lemon - no sugar.
Lunch:  Chicken grilled steak and fresh fruit.
Dinner:  Dish optional (no dessert).

Day 8:

Breakfast:  Coffee without sugar, cream and milk or tea.
Lunch:  Two boiled eggs, stewed spinach with a little salt.
Dinner:  A large grilled chicken steak or boiled chicken. Green salad, fruit choice.

Day 9:

Breakfast:  Coffee without sugar, cream and milk or tea, a piece of biscuit.
Lunch:  Grilled mid chicken steak  or boiled chicken. Green salad, fruit choice.
Dinner:  Roast turkey or chicken.

Day 10: 

Breakfast:  Coffee without sugar, cream and milk or tea, a piece of biscuit.
Lunch:  Two boiled eggs, salad choice (with vinegar), fresh tomatoes.
Dinner:  Roast turkey or chicken salad.

Day 11:

Breakfast:  Coffee without sugar, cream and milk or tea, a piece of biscuit.
Lunch:  A boiled egg, carrots (cooked or raw), a small piece of cheese or other cheese of choice.
Dinner:  Fresh fruit and yogurt - can you mix them together.

Day 12:

Breakfast:  Coffee without sugar, cream and milk or tea, a piece of biscuit.
Lunch:  Grilled fish, fresh tomatoes.
Dinner:  A large chicken grilled steak and green salad.

Day 13:

Breakfast:  Coffee without sugar, cream and milk or tea, a piece of biscuit.
Lunch:  Grilled chicken
Dinner:  Two boiled eggs, grated carrots with lemon.

Day 14: 

Breakfast:  Tea with lemon - no sugar.
Lunch:  Chicken grilled steak and fresh fruit.
Dinner:  Dish optional (no dessert).

Diet For Fast Fat Loss

This diet will help you fast to lose weight, but remember to follow some food plan after its end because otherwise you will quickly regain the lost weight and maybe even more!

The diet is working due to the ability of B group Vitamins to assist in the uptake of amino acids and to prevent the accumulation of mast cells. They are contained in the largest amount in dairy products, mushrooms, pork, fish, grapes and citrus fruits, peas and potatoes.

For all days 

Breakfast: 1 orange, 2 tablespoons granola with 1 cup sour milk (1.5% fat).

10:00:  1 cup yogurt.

16 hours:  1 cup yogurt with 1 tablespoon linseed

First Day

Lunch:  100g grilled pork. Stew 200g carrots in 1 tablespoon oil and season with lemon juice, a pinch of salt and 1 coffee cup vegetable broth.

Dinner:  Stew 150g mushrooms with 1 tablespoon oil, lemon juice, pepper and a pinch of salt. Cut 30 g cheese into cubes and add it to the cooled mushrooms. Garnish with 100 g green salad (or radish). Eat a slice of black bread.

Second Day

Lunch:  Boil 2 eggs, cut them in halves and remove the yolks. Stir them into paste with 1/2 tablespoon margarine and 1 tablespoon melted cheese. The resulting mixture put back into the eggs. Garnish with cup bean sprouts, which you have prepared in advance. Pour them with lemon juice and 1 tablespoon almond oil.

Dinner:  Cut into strips 1 red and 1 green pepper. Add sliced ​​apples and kiwis and 30 g cheese cubes. Pour marinade with 1 tablespoon oil and 2 tablespoons soy sauce. Eat a slice of black bread..

Third Day

Lunch:  Garnish 100g grilled  fish fillets with 200 g spinach salad and a handful of green beans, stewed in advance. Add another 30 g boiled rice and pour the entire portion with lemon juice and 2 tablespoons oil. 

Dinner:  Cut into cubes 100 g ham, 1 apple slice and leek rings. Mix well and add 1 cup soy sprouts and lentils. Marinate salad with 1 tablespoon milk mayonnaise and 3 tablespoons lemon juice. Finally, add 20 g cheese.  Eat a slice of black bread.

Must Eat Foods For Healthy Heart

Heart diseases are one of the main killers of our time. As many other diseases these are also linked to our eating. So it isn't a surprise that people who eat junk food, smoke or  have other unhealthy habits mainly suffer from heart problems. That is the reason why today I will present some healthy foods which are extremely good for the heart health.

1. Fish-a universal remedy for the heart

The best way to reduce cardiovascular disease is to eat fish, especially oily fish containing fatty acids such as omega-3. There are reliable evidences that fish have the ability to prevent and treat cardiovascular disease. A famous Dutch study found that taking 30 grams of fish per day or more meals a week reduces the risk of heart attack by one third.

2. Fruits and Vegetables

Apples can help preventing the formation of blood clots. They contain quercetin, which acts as a natural agent against inflammation. Apples contain lots of vitamins and fiber. The healthiest combination to eat is apples with a handful of almonds or walnuts.

It is better to eat avocado because it helps to increase levels of good HDL cholesterol in the body and reduce levels of bad LDL.

Green leafy vegetables and parsley are rich in vitamin E and folic acid, which contributes to a healthy circulatory system. They are best fresh!

3. Oatmeal

Oatmeal contains phytoestrogens and fiber that keep the digestive system healthy. Oatmeal is mandatory nutrition in cardiovascular treatment. You can add to it various pieces of fruit.

4. Olive oil

Olive oil is full of monounsaturated fats. It can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. You should use olive oil and cold-pressed unrefined oil for the salads you eat.

Remember that you need to move more or going to the gym, swimming or buy sports equipment for exercises at home. Physical activity, accompanied by a healthy diet will protect your heart and give you a long and healthy life!

Here is a simple recipe that will help to reduce symptoms caused by cardiovascular diseases!

All you need is: 

- 8 tablespoons dried rosemary (crushed);

- 3 lemons;

- 2 teaspoons of liquid stevia;

- 2 liters of water.

Method of preparation:

Pour water into a saucepan and add crushed rosemary. You need to simmer over low heat about 1 hour until the liquid is 1 liter. Then add stevia and lemons which were previously peeled and cut into pieces. Simmer 30 minutes. Consume one tablespoon of this mixture three times a day. Store it in a jar with cap at cool dark place-for example in a kitchen cabinet that is away from heating appliances.

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Easy Diet With Herbs

Diets with herbs have proven positive effect on the human body. In addition, you will be able to cleanse the toxins from your body and enjoy a good health. According to the nutritionists a herbal diet applied for two weeks is most effective.

The father of herbal diets is Dr. Jean F. Zermati. Along with the herbal teas it is important to accept water in large quantities. Herbs are combined in a great way with different kinds of fruits, which gives even better results.

Useful herbs in weight loss diets  are ginger, nettle, turmeric, Juniper and so on. They are good for your metabolism and are strictly controlling it. Dr. Zermati claims that when on a herbal diet you can even drink coffee without sugar because it has a good interaction with other teas, salads and herbs.

Herbal teas will help you to dispose unwanted pounds and along with it will act very well on your overall health. As you've probably heard from your parents, herbs can help treat various stomach diseases, depression, diabetes and others.

The best thing in your diet with herbs is that you lose weight healthily. Without chemistry, without medication, without risk to your health. Everything happens thanks to Mother Nature.

For best results you should follow a few simple rules: 

1/3 of your daily food intake should contain fruits and vegetables. 

Meat and fish should be present in controlled amounts-daily about 200 g, or three times a week. 

Dairy products are also important, but pay attention for the fat content. 

Replace white bread with whole grain.

 Herbs you can use: 

Herbs to reduce appetite-marshmallow root, kelp, angelica, linseed 

Herbs to regulate the digestive system-fennel, anise, parsley 

Herbs to normalize metabolism-rosemary, nettle, ginger, turmeric, birch leaves 

Herbs acting laxative-chamomile, yarrow, cumin seeds, anise

How to use them?

Choose one herb from each group and mix them in a paper bag. For the preparation of decoction pour 200 ml of water in a container and then add a tablespoon of the herb mixture. Allow to stand for 10 minutes before you put it on the stove. Boil for 5 minutes and then cool to room temperature. The prepared decoction is slightly strong, so it is better to dilute it with 100 ml of cold water. The total amount becomes 300 ml. Taking it 3 times a day-10 minutes before each meal. Every day is better to prepare a new potion rather than make large quantities.

Friday, 20 June 2014

Fast And Healthy Foods

Healthy eating means to take responsibility for the preparation of healthy food. But for many of us the term "healthy meal" rather implies that you will have to make efforts in this for something that is not even good. Another excuse for not eating healthy is the lack of time. And, indeed it is easier just to order a pizza then spending couple of hours in the kitchen after work. Perhaps there is a way to limit the cooking time and improve your lifestyle.

Here I will present some tips on how to cook fast and healthy:

  • You can use pre-cooked meats like roast beef or turkey-both types of meat are fragile.
  • As a main dish salads are perfect for a summer dinner-cool, light and easy to prepare. Green leafy vegetables are the main ingredient, there's nothing complicated - just pour the packet leafy greens or spinach in a bowl. Add the remaining ingredients and mix. Comfortable supplements are low-fat cheese or crumbled blue cheese, grilled chicken, cherry tomatoes, baby carrots, dried cranberries, walnuts and more.
  • Save time in the kitchen by buying a few key delicatessen goods which are usually prepared at the health food market and similar markets for high-quality food. Look for products such as:
  1. Fresh salsa made ​​with mango and avocado
  2. Roasted vegetables
  3. Roasted salmon and chicken breast
  • Serve quick fruit salad. Easy for preparing are
  1. Raspberries, blackberries, blueberries 
  2. Grapes (red and green) 
  3. Sliced ​​apples in bags 
  4. Bananas
  5. Canned pineapple chunks (in juice) 
  6. Strawberries are easy to serve as a side dish. Just rinse them and serve them as with stems and leaves caps.
  • Cook on the stove 
  1. Toasted sandwiches (you could also use a special press)
  2. Omelet 
  3. Fried rice (if the rice is pre-cooked) 
  4. BLT (bacon - lettuce - tomato) sandwich
  5. In five minutes you can prepare fajitas if you buy pre-cut meat into small pieces and use bottled sauce for fajitas.
  • Prepare products for later use. This will facilitate your access to products that you can add to your meal. Chop the vegetables and store them in containers in the refrigerator. Boil a couple of eggs and eat them  as a breakfast at the next morning. Pack food so you can easy grab it and use it for lunch.
  • Cook more than you need for one meal. It is great when you have leftover food, which can be used for a quick lunch or dinner the next day. Also, when you cook things like whole grain cereal, cook at least double the amount you need and store the rest in the fridge to use it later.
Examples for fast,easy and healthy dinner:

Celery salad is light and fresh

Ingredients: stalks of a celery, 3 apples, 2 red peppers, 100 g walnuts, 3 tablespoons low-fat sour cream. 

All vegetables should be finely chopped, then add the cream and walnuts and mix. It can be flavored with lemon juice.

Salad with chicken breast is healthy and nutrious

Ingredients: chicken breast - 300 g, 1 cucumber, 2 hard-boiled eggs, olive oil, vinegar or lemon juice.

Cucumber and eggs are cut finely, then seasoned with a mixture of olive oil and vinegar. After that add cooked chicken breast, cut into pieces. Can be sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Omelette with frozen vegetables is delicious and useful

Ingredients: 3 eggs, 3 tablespoons milk, 1 handful of frozen soup mix.

Frozen vegetables are fried on low heat, then stove is amplified while adding the eggs, mixed with milk.

Seven Healthy And Delicious Foods For Your Summer Diet

Summer came and I imagine you want to give your body a rest from the heavy and fatty foods. Moreover, soon you will have to take off the clothes and some of you are maybe nervous about that.

 Here I made a list with healthy foods which you can include to your diet for a flat stomach:


In order not to accumulate extra pounds and do not harm your figure the best solution are almonds. They are among the largest sources of vitamin E and therefore are in the top 5 of the most powerful antioxidants. You can use them after exercise, because almonds help muscles to recover from intensive training. They are also one of the calcium-rich products-252 mg per 100 g.  Therefore almonds are useful for the vision and brain, pregnant and nursing mothers, anemia and osteoporosis.

Iced tea

Tea is a beverage that has a very good impact on the shape and health. I realize, however, that in the summer you will not drink hot tea. There is an alternative chose-iced tea. Have to say that I do not mean the iced tea, available in retail outlets. To really take advantage of the beneficial effects of the drink will have to make it yourself. Then, wait for it to cool and add ice and fresh fruits. You will be delighted by the result.


I realize that only tea is unlikely to hold you much, so I offer a traditional and very favorite food-legumes. They are especially suitable because they contain small amounts of fat. Also, legumes are rich in proteins, fiber and iron, necessary for the muscle building and weight loss.


There is nothing more delicious than the appetizing berries. Strawberries, blueberries or raspberries, they are all a great way to ensure your delicious breakfast and as a bonus they bring to you a large amount of vitamin C. Berries are rich in fiber and are the best antioxidants.


Cherries are rich in vitamins A, C and E, phytochemicals that protect us from cancer of the breast, lung, liver, stomach and skin. They also contain fibers which  improve digestion.

Chilled Soups 

Chilled soups like gazpacho and tarator that contain many vegetables are a great way to start the meal. Studies show that low-calorie soups and broths will fill your stomach so that you eat less. Try and chilled vegetable cream soups.

Fruit smoothies

Prepare them with yogurt and your favorite fruit. You can add a little peanut butter. You can drink shakes for breakfast or as an intermediate food. This drink helps you obtain good fats

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Honey - The Powerful Healing Food

Honey can be indispensable food on the menu for everyone. It is a sweet juice that bees collect from plants, process it, enrich it with enzymes in their cuddle and store in honeycombs. This food is tasty so it shouldn't be a problem to add honey in your healthy diet.


Honey is a healing food that is known to humans since ancient times. It helps the treatment of many diseases and does not irritate the stomach since it is easily digested. This amazing food consists: vitamins of the groups A, B, C, N, E, organic acids (number of fruit acids such as citric, malic, oxalic, lactic, tartaric, and other), the enzymes invertase and lipase, as well as many chemical elements which are present in blood in very small amounts (minerals such as calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, sulfur, iodine, phosphorus with almost the same percentage as in human blood)

Healing properties

Honey is suitable for physical active people since it contains carbs (levulose 40-45% and glucose 35-38%). It helps fight the fatigue and increases muscular strength. Because of its antibacterial properties honey is extremely beneficial to the skin, especially when used with other ingredients. It is moisturizing and nourishing, and the antioxidants in it can slow down skin aging. Honey contains fructose, which helps to faster degradation of alcohol. Moreover, it protects us from sudden changes in the level of alcohol, which in turn is the cause of the morning headaches.

Honey has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, and thus can be used as a natural antiseptic. It is one of the most natural means of treating a wide variety of diseases including fungal infections, mycoses and arthritis. Its antiseptic properties inhibit the growth of certain bacteria and helps in the treatment of external wounds. Honey is used as a natural cure in first aid treatment of wounds and burns because it is able to absorb moisture from the air and promote healing. Its antibacterial properties prevent infection and are acting as an anti-inflammatory agent, reducing both swelling and pain, and scars.

Although honey has more calories than sugar when consumed with warm water it helps burn fat stored in the body. When it is consumed with lemon juice or cinnamon may also lead to a reduction in weight.

Research has found that dissolved honey passes into the blood and represents a really therapeutic agent that is used in severe cardiac disorders. In these special cases, the honey is used as a replacement for synthetic medicines. It contains acetylcholine which dilates the blood vessels.

Specialists in kidney and other internal diseases successfully applied honey to their patients, not just for nephrite, but in diseases of the heart, liver and digestive organs. The recommended daily use of 50-100 g of honey in  rosehip tea .

The healing properties of honey also depend on its tape

Acacia honey has a soothing effect.

Chestnut honey dilates peripheral blood vessels.

Linden honey has antiseptic and soothing effect; used for bronchitis and colds.

Clove honey improves urogenital organs; used against diarrhea.

Honey lemon balm is used as an emollient.

The mint honey is mostly used as an analgesic to relieve muscle cramps and as a means to prevent swelling.

Honey Sage has antiseptic action.

Forest (honeydew) honey has an antiseptic, soothing and anti-inflammatory.

Some interesting facts about honey:

In Egypt, honey was so valuable that the Egyptians used it as a form of payment. With the available honey they fed their sacred animals.

Years ago was created honeyed wine consumed by many people. Its name was mead. What novels mention of mead? Now you know mead that means.

The honey stored in airtight containers never spoils. Years ago were found vessels filled with honey in the tomb of King Tut, which was still edible, although the honey spent over 2000 years under the sand.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

The Best Foods For Bright Teeth

"I have to go to work early, but first must have a cup of coffee or otherwise I can not stay awake."Of course with the coffee we light up a cigarette or two. This is how our working day begins and that became a permanent situation long time ago.

If this is the case, you should know that such foods like coffee, tea, tobacco, red wine, sodas can successfully stain and discolor the teeth in systemic consumption. The darkening and accumulation of disfigurement layer on them is also disturbing fact which causes less smiles. How we eat is directly reflected to our teeth. We usually don't think deep about such aspects of life. It is the time for you to stop them or at least limit their consumption. All of us want white teeth, don't we?

On the other hand, the mother nature has given to us some ordinary foods that can act as gentle whitening. Their efficiency is much lower than the professional whitening in a dental surgery, but are cheap and natural.

Here I present a list with foods that you can add to your diet for bright teeth:

Oranges and pineapple

These are very tasty fruits filled with vitamin C and fiber. They increase the secretion of saliva and wash the teeth naturally. Also impart a pleasant fruity breath. Vit. C strengthens the immune system and tightens gums. They contain a large percentage of the enzyme bromelain, which naturally acts as a cleaning agent for staining.
Regularly eating foods containing bromelain, like oranges and pineapple, will protect your teeth from rapid accumulation of plaque and tartar. Also, helps the weaker staining and the protection of the body from cancer and overweight. That makes these fruits perfect for bright teeth, beautiful figure and healthy diet.

Dairy products

Dairy products contain calcium, protein and lactic acid, which helps in the prevention of caries. A study in the journal "Dentistry" found that children taking 4 yogurts a week have a much lower rate of dental caries compared to children who did not consume yogurt.

Researchers believe that the proteins of the milk are associated with a surface protective layer on the enamel and thus protect teeth from caries. Systemic consumption of hard cheeses (cheddar, gouda, etc..) has a whitening effect on the teeth.


It is true that they can seriously dirty your dress or a shirt, but also whiten our teeth. Try mashing a few ripe strawberries with baking soda and rub the teeth. After 5 minutes, rinse thoroughly with water and brush your teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste for another 3 minutes. Finally clean with floss the interdental spaces. Do that every night for 1 month. It is one of the most nutritious foods for the brain function.

They contain vit. C. Besides its well-known important role for the immune system and the protection of the body from cancer, vit. C prevents the premature skin aging and neutralizes the harmful effects of the sun.


Very handy fruits that increase the secretion of saliva, which is a self-cleaning mechanism in the mouth. They contain substances which kill the bacteria there. Bacteria is responsible for the bad breath. Apples Also improve digestion.

Eating apples everyday protect us from cancer. They contain phenolics that have more antioxidant properties than vitamin C. Pectin is responsible for the slowdown of atherosclerosis and aging.

Baking soda

A study in 2008 showed that the toothpastes containing sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) remove much better plaque and whiten more than pastes doesn't contain this compound. From time to time you can rub your teeth with baking soda for 2-3 minutes and then wash with toothpaste containing soda and fluoride. Should not be done frequently, because soda has abrasive effect on tooth enamel.

Lemon juice

We all know that lemon juice is one of the most ancient cellar agents in nature (think what happens when you put lemon juice in your hair and go out in the sun). You can mix lemon juice with baking soda to form a paste, and rub your teeth with it for one minute. Beware of the direct consumption of lemons. Citric acid is very corrosive to the tooth enamel. Always rinse mouth thoroughly with water for 30 sec. Lemons also contain vit. C.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar removes the surface stains on teeth. However, it is not the most pleasant way for home bleaching. For extra effect you can mix vinegar with baking soda to form a paste. Then rub your teeth with it for three minutes and after that brush them with toothpaste for an additional 3 minutes.


Versatile vegetable, very rich in fiber and antioxidants. It prevents cancer, helps the function of the heart and brain. Broccoli is Involved in the formation of a protective layer on the tooth enamel and protects it. Brazilian laboratory study found that by regularly eating broccoli the enamel erosion caused by the acid in sodas is reduced to half. It reduces body weight!


Chewing sugarless gum ensure not only the removal of food remnants, but also the production of saliva, which also helps to maintain a healthy and beautiful teeth.

In addition to the whitening you can support your dental health by some delicious foods. Pistachio, like other nuts contains magnesium, which aids the absorption of calcium. Mushrooms contain large amounts of vitamin D3, which also enhances the effect of calcium intake. Japanese shiitake mushrooms reduce the accumulation of dental plaque.

Monday, 16 June 2014

Eight Foods That You Never Should Allow Your Child To Eat

There comes a time when even the sworn bachelors find the love and get married. Then, they build up a a home, take a dog and begin to think about children. Well that is pretty much the American dream in which we all want to live. However, the reality usually isn't so simple. The life offers not only good things, but also bad or should I put it in this way: for all our dreams there is a price. We should understand before have a child or even a dog that we are carrying the responsibility for their well being. All our bad habits are reflected to the children. They look at us and learn in that way. That is why the parents role is so important. If you want your child to be healthy and happy the change must begin with you. You should teach them to not get so easily influenced by the environment because not always they picked up the bad things from us. Teaching them how to live right is our best gift. No money, fancy clothes or a car can replace that. I know that isn't easy and the television and adverts don't help us at all. The children look around and see all these things that are taken well by the society.

Here, I present to you a list with foods that you never should allow you child to eat:

"Grain" snacks

Do not be fooled by the word "grain". In most cases these foods are filled with lots of sugar and devoid of any valuable nutrients and fiber. Therefore, when choosing cereal for your child, always pay attention for the presence of sugar or any other name such as high fructose syrup. If you see similar ingredients, do not buy. It is enough to look for cereals which contain three or more grams of protein as well as fiber.

As we know sugars could be quite dangerous for ours child life. They are the reason for the overweight and the related to it diseases. So look for the right grain snacks or don't buy them at all. There are many healthier substitutes which you can use for breakfasts.

Hot dog

One of the kids favorite food. It is delicious indeed, but most of the harmful foods are. That is the reason why we overeat with them. Highly processed meats, such as sausages and frankfurters for example are an integral part in the children favorite hot dog. They contain nitrites which in their own turn are known to increase the risk of cancer. These "meats" lead to abnormalities in the cardiovascular system, and even diabetes. Not to mention the white bread which is also very harmful.


Unlike homemade tomato sauce most tapes of ketchup that are sold in stores are harmful, especially because of the high amount of different enhancers, artificial preservatives and stabilizers. In most cases, ketchup in a fast food restaurants, does not even contain tomatoes. It is full with starch, water, flavoring and coloring agents.

Sweet drinks

This includes all beverages without exception-from sparkling to natural fruit juices and punches. Especially popular lately among teenagers are energizing and sport drinks containing large amounts of sugar, caffeine and empty calories. Some fruit juices often contain even more sugar and flavorings then sparkling. The mixed in them felatanin and aspartame taken in large amounts can cause panic attacks and even manic depression. I think these are enough reasons never to allow your child to poison itself with such useless crap.

Lollipops, sugar and marshmallows

They are particularly harmful to the teeth since favors the development of caries and cavities in teeth. Hard and chewy candies are harmful to children as they lead to teeth's breakage.

As we mentioned before their overuse can lead to weight gain. This is one of the most important problems in our time. You can buy such foods but always try to find the right measure.

Packaged macaroni

Packaged pasta with herbs and other supplements are actually preserved and cooked spaghetti. They have more sodium than is recommended as a daily dose for children. These foods don't contain fiber and the essential nutrients. The alternative is to give your child the natural wholegrain pasta or spaghetti. They are made from durum wheat and characterized by its low glycemic index.

Fried foods

Fried foods contain many unnecessary and harmful fats which have a negative affect to the stomach. Their regular makes us fat and cause many diseases such as stomach gastritis, ulcers, reflux, colitis and others. Instead of fried foods or chips offer to your child cooked potatoes with olive oil. We should point out that these foods are carcinogenic and can cause cancer


Made by ground residues from the slaughterhouse-meat, hides, bones, etc. All this properly colored and flavored to be tasty and attractive. It contains fat: 50-70%. You probably guess what that means. The moment this "food" enters the body it begins to damage.

Pretzels and crackers

In general the content of harmful substances is not so much with the exception of one-salt. They have very high levels of salt. That leads to high blood pressure. With feeding on these products you can take over 10 times more salt than normal.

Perhaps most of you are aware of these foods and if so start to decrease the amount that your child eats. You can always find other healthier which can be as tasty as the ones I listed here. There is no need to stop them permanently. Make a plan so your child can grow up in a healthy way. The children are our joy and main purpose in life. Let's not disappoint them and prove us worthy as parents!

Weight Loss: Diets Or Physical Exercises

Today people are always in a hurry. We need to overcome many hard and stressful situations everyday. This may be the reason why for most of us the life seems to be more difficult then it does for others. Two-three thousand years ago is very possible our ancestors to were thought the exactly same thing about their life. Is that a common human feature? Well it doesn't matter anyway. What worries me is something else.

Most of the time when we decide to change something about us we are doing it the wrong way. What I mean? Let's take for example the weight loss. We are living unhealthy for years and then suddenly decide to lose some kilos and get back in the old clothes. There is nothing bad here, but the thing is that a change usually doesn't happen so easily. Furthermore, to stay in healthy pounds you need to make serious efforts.

First thing you should do is to forget about the easiest way. Working every day and passing all God jokes by now should have taught you that there is nothing easy in this life. So why when many of us try to find ways to lose weight they pick stuff with headlines like these: "How To Lose Weight Fast And Easy?";"How To Lose Weight Without Exercises?"; "New Tablets For Weight Loss. You Only Need To Drink Them!" and others similar? Before you pick your plan, change the way you think!

So let's take a look at the two main ways of weight loss: Diets and Physical exercises. What are their positive and negative sides? Which one should you pick?


Most of the diets are quite effective. There were made by people with enough knowledge and expertise in this area. The reason why sometimes they don't work are us. In order to achieve the desire effect you should follow them strictly.

There are many diets with quick results. However, they prove to be ineffective in the long-term. That happens because after the diet ends we get back to our previous lifestyle. If you have eaten high calorie foods it isn't a surprise to quickly regain your weight and even some more kilos.

Our weight is determent by the difference in calories that you take and spend. If you take more calories, then you spend there is no way not to gain weight. So before you decide to follow a diet do this: construct a food plan with all necessary nutrients after its ending. Add more healthy and low in calories foods.

Another important thing you should know is that when you are losing weight with diets in most cases you burn not only fats, but also proteins from the muscles. You will see soon why that isn't the best thing.

Physical exercises

Other great problem of our time is the lack of movement. The excuses for it are many and sometimes ridiculous. We can and should always make a time for exercises. I am not talking about the gym. 30 minutes a day walking is also enough to spend some energy. Use your imagination! You can find the way to add them in your lifestyle.

But why should you do that?

The lack of movement can cause many dangerous diseases besides the overweight. Moreover, they help your muscles to grow. The result is spending more energy even at rest. With physical activity you lose mainly fats. That is their main advantage.

Weight loss only with exercises is hard. It is easier not to eat food then to burn its energy later. If you want to lose weight by only training you should know some things. Most effective are exercises which affect large muscle groups because many muscles work at the same time and, thus you lose more calories. Don't think you can banish the belly only with crunches!

Which way is better?

We saw their advantages and negatives. Both can be effective and worthy, but they aren't easy at all. So why don't make a compromise here. What do I mean?

I think they work better combined. Killing us with exercises won't lead to the desired effect if we eat too much high calorie foods. Doing a diet can be something useful. Then again it is done for a short time and we have to figure out what to do after diet ends. So build up for yourself healthy lifestyle with physical activity and correct eating. Instead of looking for fast results, do the opposite. Add something good for the health every day. Do it slow in order to get used to it. Our dear God have given us the most important gift-the ability to think. Let's use it in the right way and earn the place we occupy.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Ten Foods For Perfect Skin

Are you tired of buying expensive cosmetics and trusting advertising slogans that try to convince you in their miracle powers? If for you the time has come to realize that the solution for every problem is not related to the examination of the brochure-this article is right for you.

All these preparations for skin, which irradiated  us from everywhere, can not fully cope with this problem. The reason is that only the external care isn't enough to maintain the great look of the skin-you need a change in your food plan too.

Just as there are a whole bunch of foods that can negatively affect your skin and overall metabolism in the body (will mention only a few packaged as salty and sweet pasta products containing trans fats and / or too much sugar,as well as those with a high glycemic index), there are other with opposite effect-they purify the body and have part in its immunomodulation, while the effect is manifested not only internally but also externally. By consuming these ten food products daily, you'll enjoy a healthy weight, maximum power, good immunity, healthy and strong hair and radiant skin.

Red Pepper

Sweet red peppers are rich in Vit. C, dietary fiber and Vit. B6. Additionally, they contain only 30 calories, making them the ideal vegetable substitute for the so called fast food, which usually is our first choice to fool appetite between meals. One pepper is sufficient to supply more than 100% of the required daily dose Vit. C, as well as the organic pigments carotenoids, which slow down the aging process of the skin (wrinkles), promote skin healing and accelerates blood circulation in it, when suffering from acne.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants, fatty acids and flavanols,which are relevant to the turgidity of the skin and flatten its surface. It is very rich in cocoa that has beneficial effects on arteries and accelerates blood circulation, resulting in more robust and secure of negative factors (such as air pollution, UV rays,stress and other) skin. When you buy dark chocolate, check its composition-must have a minimum of 80% cocoa content and no added dairy products or sugar.


Salmon is one of the best foods, with which you can successfully counter attack the stress, fatigue and depression that inevitably overtake the modern man. Salmon can also be used as a source of Vit. D, whose regular intake is required for maintaining heart health, bone, colon and brain. Furthermore, it is very rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, whose main benefit is their ability to counteract inflammation of various origins, formation of wrinkles and acne development. Omega-3 fatty acids also promote the hydration of the skin from the inside, resulting in the reinforcement and strengthening of the hair.

Coconut oil

The oil extracted from the coconut is one of the richest sources of saturated fat-about 90% of calories in it. Coconut oil contains the essential fatty acids and lauric acid, which have potent antibacterial and antiviral properties, assisting the body in its fight against virus infections, inflammation and acne. It also consists Vit. E, which has a really good effect for the health and appearance of skin, making it soft, hydrated and smooth. Include coconut oil in your diet. You can take one tablespoon daily. That gives a positive influence in the battle against overweight. You also can use it externally, rubbing it into the skin. Last but not least, coconut oil has a very good effect on thyroid.

Green tea

Instead of drinking too much coffee or store-bought juices, that almost always contain added sugar and preservatives, use at least 2-3 cups of green tea a day-the only source of the amino acid L-theanine, which has a proven effect against stress and is effectively used for nervous disorders and insomnia. When green tea is hot, it releases catechins-antioxidants from the flavonoid group with proven anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption of green tea is especially recommended in hypertensive patients as well as people suffering from acne.


Spinach is one of the most healthy and rich in nutrients food of plant origin and although not everyone likes the taste, experts recommend its regular consumption, so it pays off to find the form in which you can take it daily. Among the beneficial vitamins, minerals and substances contained in it are iron, folic acid, chlorophyll, Vit. E, magnesium, Vit. A, fiber, vegetable proteins and Vit. C. Directly related to the skin are the listed vitamins,which are powerful antioxidants.


Chia and hemp seeds, as well as sunflower, pumpkin and flax seeds are required for those people, who are suffering from problem skin. Pumpkin and sunflower seeds are very rich in selenium, Vit. E, magnesium and proteins, and its intake slows down the formation of wrinkles and promotes skin hydration, without the intervention of cosmetic products. Chia and flax seeds are particularly rich in Omeg-3 fatty acids. Use your favorite types or mix up seeds in addition to green salad or your breakfast of oats and other whole nuts.


Most people underestimate this vegetable, but actually celery is one food worth eating every day, especially if you struggle with high blood pressure, frequent headaches and sensitive skin. Celery contains sodium, potassium and Vit. R, which regulates the blood flow in healthy range. It is particularly suitable for people under high stress and physical exercises.  Also will effectively prevent dehydration of your body, skin and  the appearance of wrinkles.


The content of cholesterol in it is zero, and calories-one of the lowest for such sweet fruit (39 to 100 grams), making it particularly good food for people who are trying to improve the index of their body weight. Among the useful components are beta-carotene and antioxidant vitamins C and E, due to which the skin suffers less from direct sunlight and have a healthy fresh look.


Like papaya, carrots are very rich in beta-carotene, whose greatest merit is to maintain vision, mucous membranes and skin. Moreover, carrots contain a large amount of Vit. A, which prevents the overproduction of cells in the outermost layer of the skin, where the excess sebum is associated with dead cells. Again, this vitamin could prevent the development of skin cancer.

All of the listed foods are good not only for the skin but for body as whole. Try to add them in you food plan and you won't regret it.